Hawaiin Tsunami

I thought it was hilarious that even though nothing was obviously going to happen, CNN was still trying to sensationalize it and say how there was huge danger coming. Meanwhile there are people walking their dogs on the beach and shit haha.

Reminds me of when hurricane Ike was coming to Houston. One of them major news networks (don't remember which one) said, "Get out of Galveston or face certain death" I was like, Oh no they did not just say that.
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yeah if you have ever been anywhere near something like that the tremors are crazy and scary as hell
In about 2 hours a tsunami is going to hit Hawaii.

Anyone else following this shit?

yeah my parents live there on maui, they said the water receded but it was only like 2 or 3 ft waves in maui so it wasn't that big of a deal.
Tsunami = blue balls

I live on Oahu, prepared like the world was ending. Sat inside and watched the island turn into a cluster fuck of stupid people trying to get to high ground. Dear Scientists:
I got woken up at 4 frickin am by my neighbor screaming in my window "THERES A TSUNAMI COMING!!! WAKE UP!!!!" Tsunami sirens at 6 then 7, and at 8 civil defence drove by with loudspeakers telling us to evacuate (I live like 100 yards from shore in Waialua).

In the end all i had to show for the 2010 tsunami was a pretty good beer buzz. Everyone just partied. Why cant these things happen on weekdays?

I don't consider myself a pussy, but that spitting caves thing looks kinda hairball.