Hawaiin Tsunami


Generic Black Guy
Jan 5, 2009
In about 2 hours a tsunami is going to hit Hawaii.

Anyone else following this shit?

I think most of been following "this shit" since 9am when the news kept talking bout the Chile 8.8 earthquake, and the Okinawa 7.0 the night before. Least Hawaii has 6 hours to evacuate the coastlines, so loss of life will probably be minimal, not counting the die-hard(-headed) surfers that actually think they'll be able to surf it.

Can't really say the same for any businesses and homes on the coast line if its anything like the 60's quake/tsunami (9.5 in chile).
wtf japan has an earthquake too? i got a text from a random number out of nowhere to watch CNN and the 8.8 earthquake in Chile.

Yea two days ago, 7.0 off the coast of Okinawa, but it was like 10 miles below sea level and any kind of water rising was very minimal, most of mainland Japan didn't even feel it, Okinawa had a bit of a shake for like 15-30 seconds but nothing much to fret about.

When I saw the news at 9am this morning, I thought initially they were talking bout Japan, but noticed it was instead Chile.
Japan constantly has earthquakes. The epicenter is just usually not close enough to population centers to cause much havoc. A lot of them are offshore. So nothing unusual about the one the other day. Though the media will spin it, I'm sure.
Yeah, British Columbia has a tsunami warning on too. Crazy seeing as how they are so far away.
We're only supposed to see a 2.5 ft tidal rise here in So Cal, so probably nothing devastating. Low tide is around 2.00pm, hopefully that will help any tidal surge.

It must be the end of the world with all of these earthquakes. God is punishing us. Yeah...right!
Yeah, British Columbia has a tsunami warning on too. Crazy seeing as how they are so far away.

That's fucked up. My hometown is Richmond, BC which a couple meters below sea level. The only thing that keeps water out is the dikes, but who knows how well those can stop a tsunami. Part of the city could be flooded if there's a tsunami a couple meters height.

I doubt it would reach the Olympic Oval though. That's too far from the shore.
Japan constantly has earthquakes. The epicenter is just usually not close enough to population centers to cause much havoc. A lot of them are offshore. So nothing unusual about the one the other day. Though the media will spin it, I'm sure.

Yea I figured thats what it is since they got all those offshore quakes, and my friend who is currently in tokyo, said its just like overhyping a californian wildfire.
That's fucked up. My hometown is Richmond, BC which a couple meters below sea level. The only thing that keeps water out is the dikes, but who knows how well those can stop a tsunami. Part of the city could be flooded if there's a tsunami a couple meters height.

I doubt it would reach the Olympic Oval though. That's too far from the shore.

Here's the little article about it: Tsunami advisory issued for all coastal areas of B.C. after 8.8 earthquake in Chile - Yahoo! Canada News

Doesn't sound too bad at all. Still amazing it can get up that far, no matter in what state when it arrives.
Here's the little article about it: Tsunami advisory issued for all coastal areas of B.C. after 8.8 earthquake in Chile - Yahoo! Canada News

Doesn't sound too bad at all. Still amazing it can get up that far, no matter in what state when it arrives.

Course if you're out on the water, the speed of them even if its only 1 to 2 feet can be problematic. (Usually tsunamis when they're bigger can reach 400-500mph, the one that resulted from the 9.5 chile quake back in the 60s produced a 600mph wave onto Hawaii).
We've even got a tsunami warning here for East Coast Australia, told to stay away from the beaches this morning.

Least we got an approximate idea of when:


Far as Hawaii:
11:05 a.m. Hilo, 11:20 a.m. Maui, 11:35 a.m. Oahu, 11:50 a.m. Kauai, 9-12 ft. surge estimates.

"Disaster Preparation Kit
Food - 5-7 days worth per person. Water- 5-7 days worth per person, drink, sanitation. Medication, toiletries, important papers. Batteries, flash lights, cell phone chargers, first aid kits, toilet paper, rice, essentials. "

Grocery stores are probably jam packed right now.
That's fucked up. My hometown is Richmond, BC which a couple meters below sea level. The only thing that keeps water out is the dikes, but who knows how well those can stop a tsunami. Part of the city could be flooded if there's a tsunami a couple meters height.

I doubt it would reach the Olympic Oval though. That's too far from the shore.

What the fuck? Richmond isn't a couple meters below sea level dummy. The land there averages one meter ABOVE sea level. Also, it would be nearly impossible for the lower mainland to be hit by a tsunami since it is completely protected from the open ocean by Vancouver Island.