Have You Ever Broken / Cracked A Rib? Serious

I thought I cracked a rib last summer playing basketball. Didn't bother with the doc because I know they can't do anything for it, but after reading some of these posts it might not have been broken. Pain was ridiculous for a week or two but no real difficulty breathing. If you want meds go see the doc, if not just stay here on STS with us.

I recently impaled myself on my fixie, 2nd time I have cracked my ribs. It took 6 weeks to heal and I experienced pain breathing almost the entire time. Sounds like you bruised it.
never. broke a rib. but slipped on ice last week and landed on my hand. When i looked at it. my knuckles were sucked in and bodes were sticking out the top of my hand
I had a broken rib. It happen during a fight when I was very young (schoolboy). I can say I have never fully recovered. I got this sharp pain from time to time even today, for example when bench pressing.