Have You Ever Broken / Cracked A Rib? Serious


New member
Mar 7, 2008
After a stupid home incident, I think I may have broken/cracked my rib. Just under my right pec, to the right side (think upper obliques). Have you ever experienced a broken/damaged rib? How long was it before it felt better or healed?

No lie, my side was in a little pain, but after some light excercise earlier today it's even more sore then it ever has been.

Yes, I feel a complete moron. But I don't want to go to the docs if all he's going to say is rest it.

If you broke your rib, I think you'd be in a lot more pain. Prolly just bruised it.
Goto a doctor or just do exactly whatever the next person says. I'd goto a doctor if it were me though.
If it were broken or separated you would be in so much pain and have trouble taking a breath. That pain is pretty fucking up there. You probably only bruised it pretty good if you are describing the pain as "sore". Just take it easy on lifting anything or reaching/stretching it until it starts to feel less sore.

Edit: Even if you did serious damage to your ribs and went to a doctor, the answer is rest and not moving as I mentioned. But you will get some pain meds at least.
I think I cracked one once, fell from a jump while snowboarding. Hurt like fuck, but only when I was laughing, ann I laugh a lot.. It sopped after about a week.
after some light excercise earlier today

Yeah, it's not broken. I cracked a rib before and breathing alone is extremely painful. Take ibuprofen and wait for it to go away.

Definitely do not go to a doctor as that would be much too sensible.
Yep this one hurts when I laugh, cough or breathe in past 70% cap. I don't think it's broken. But walking around with this is a joke. Just wondered what you knew of it.

I made it doubly worse this evening so I thought it might be really messed up. Will try and keep it still as much as possible and see how I go.

2013 is not going well for me - got fkn sucker punched a few weeks ago in a club. Walked around with a smart cut on my nose for a week. Nose still clicks in the morning. First time ever, and I'm not new to partying hard either... Fck me
So two weekends ago I was doing heavy angled leg press and came down too fast and essentially kneed myself in the left lower ribs (it was actually my thigh hitting, not my knee). Heard a loud pop, couldn't move for a while. Pain got progressively worse that week to the point where I hurt breathing in deeply, laughing, hiccups, coughing, etc.

Went to the doctor, got some vicodin and xrays. They came back, it was just a really bad bruise. Doctor said that rib bruises can be as painful as cracked ribs, they just heal a lot faster. Two weeks later now and it's still tender but I can workout again at least.

I fucked up the same ribs really bad back in high school in football, similar pain. Same as now, anytime my chick bumps it or my dog jumps on it, it hurts like a motherfucker.

But yeah, you can be in a whole lot of pain and not have anything broken with your ribs. They're delicate. Just go to your doctor, you might at least get some good pain meds (and an extra refill muahahaha)
A serious rib crack with a bone shifting and even lung damage - that's really painful. But minor cracks are very common, and will heal on their own, happened with some friends when they accidentally discovered they have a healed fracture.

My above post does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for your information only. If you have questions regarding your medical condition, seek professional medical advice!
After a stupid home incident, I think I may have broken/cracked my rib. Just under my right pec, to the right side (think upper obliques). Have you ever experienced a broken/damaged rib? How long was it before it felt better or healed?

No lie, my side was in a little pain, but after some light excercise earlier today it's even more sore then it ever has been.

Yes, I feel a complete moron. But I don't want to go to the docs if all he's going to say is rest it.

Stupid Home Incident - Elaborate on this for us. You knew it was coming..

Also, go to the doctor, get some pain meds, start russian-pharma site, profit.
Broken ribs hurt like a mother fucker! I broke 3 and tore the ligament between them last year. The broken Humerus, dislocated shoulder, damaged rotator cuff, ligament, nerve damage and a broken elbow didn't help much either!

Doc's won't/can't do anything so save your time, I doubt you broke them, breathing is bitch let alone anything else.

Never gona try and re-live my youth again... Apparently spending 10 years at a computer, drinking, smoking and generally being lazy somewhat makes you far less flexible and as resilient as you think you are!
Stupid Home Incident - Elaborate on this for us.

Late night, important long distance call with family. My phone is dying. I'm trying not the wake the lady so don't wanna go back in the bedroom for my charger.

I spy a kindle charger plugged in to the wall, in my office. I lean across the arm rest of the chair, and can't reach. Further stretching means my ribs are now laid across the arm rest, holding most of my weight... (nope, third party calculations last week say I'm actually the correct weight for my height)!

I can almost reach the charger, when POP goes the weasel and intense pain spreads across my lower right chest, all while I'm on the phone call.

What an idiot, seriously. So nothing interesting, just moron behaviour. Can't even say anything cool like it was the result of a hard sparring session. Just general larking around...

Broken ribs hurt like a mother fucker! I broke 3 and tore the ligament between them last year. The broken Humerus, dislocated shoulder, damaged rotator cuff, ligament, nerve damage and a broken elbow didn't help much either!

Holy shit dude, WTF!?! Man...
I was on float tube being towed by my friends boat, he would turn the boat sharp and sling shot us across the water. I went tumbling in the air and landed on my ribs. I seriously thought I was going to die.

It hurt to breath or laugh for months. It's been 3 years. It still hurts a tiny bit right where the bottom rib connects to the sternum. Prob a torn ligament. It's just now starting to completely go away. It hurts only when I work out hard at the gym.

Vitamin supplements like tri-flex helps healing. Stretch lightly. Good luck.
torn intercostal muscle...if it was a real cracked rib....esp not a floating one...u would be in crazy pain just breathing
It hurt to breath or laugh for months. It's been 3 years. It still hurts a tiny bit

OMF days. You can not be serious... What did you have an actual broken rib or..? I never knew ribs were so fkn weak. Can they be strenthened through excercises or do we all just walk around, permanently waiting to be shoved in to weeks of chest pain, at the drop of a hat..?

This is insane.

torn intercostal muscle

From looking around online, THIS sounds accurate. Shit...
Weirdly the unbearable pain started on about day 3 for me and escalated for a few a week, then lasted about 12+ weeks. A year on I don't feel like I'm being stabbed when i laugh but still not perfect by means.
Weirdly the unbearable pain started on about day 3 for me and escalated for a few a week, then lasted about 12+ weeks. A year on I don't feel like I'm being stabbed when i laugh but still not perfect by means.

Ok I know this is STS and everyone takes the piss, but hopefully you guys are trying to scare me... Otherwise I'm gonna have to get some body armour made, haha!

Next time I'm digging in to some juicy spare ribs, I'll really have to bless where they came from, cos it's gotta have hurt, for real..!
Dude, I hit the water hard. I saw death. My situation was way extreme. I couldnt breath when i hit the water.

You're situation should heal in a couple months.