Have any of you quit your day jobs and do arbi fulltime?

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I'm thinking it might be a wiser decision to go this route instead of the automation route of scrapping content. It'll take longer to create original content and grow my arbi pages but they'll be legit and last longer.

Or do both. Scrape to make quick money to fund your long term stuff.

Or do both. Scrape to make quick money to fund your long term stuff.

Smart! I'm thinking of a way to get a second adsense account to run my scraped stuff so if that goes to shit I can still rely on my legit arbi stuff.
Smart! I'm thinking of a way to get a second adsense account to run my scraped stuff so if that goes to shit I can still rely on my legit arbi stuff.

As a Canadian, do any of you know how easy (if it is) it would be for me to open up an American business bank account? I'd like to open up a second adsense account under another business name.
As a Canadian, do any of you know how easy (if it is) it would be for me to open up an American business bank account? I'd like to open up a second adsense account under another business name.

Depends on the bank. If you live near the border, call some banks on the US side and ask them.
yea i need to hit 4000 canadian too but that will cover the basic necessities of living + mortgage .. my plan is to diversify and maintain several sites with different revenue streams (online and offline) .. hope to achieve that goal within 1 year
Chris and Jdog get the point of what I'm saying. Always diversify! Be looking for what's going to work next when what your doing dies.
Smart! I'm thinking of a way to get a second adsense account to run my scraped stuff so if that goes to shit I can still rely on my legit arbi stuff.

If you're making any money just go with a couple LLC's. You can get an account for each EIN.

the way I see it is this: not only I'm unemployed, I'm also pretty badly in debt.

What you have to do is say to yourself that you WILL get it going (not just arbi, btw), no matter what. Because once you have your focus and determination, nothing else really matters. Because if you want something badly enough, you WILL get it.

You will work 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, but you WILL get it. Where there is a will, there is a way, like they say. It may take a few months, but eat chicken noodle soup, borrow money, do what you have to do, but stay on course.

People fail, because they focus on what they DON'T want, instead of what they want. Essentially, people fail because they don't want something badly enough. That doesn't mean failure will not come your way if you're focused on your goal, it's a matter if you REACT to that failure or you keep focused on the goal. That's the key between ultimate failure and ultimate success.
I quit my job a year ago. About 70% of my money is from content sites, the other is from MFA sites.

I could live off the 30% so I set for the bumps in the road. I know it will happen someday..

I also have like 80% of my money that I have made in the passed saved up.

I do all this because I fucken hate working the 8-5 jobs.. fucken hate it...
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