Have any of you quit your day jobs and do arbi fulltime?

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Trying to make some moves
Nov 15, 2006
Wad up WF? just curious to know if any of you have quit your day jobs and do arbi fulltime? I can tell you that as soon as I can hit 4K (Canadian) a month at this shit, I'm out! Screw working for the man!

How long did it take you to hit your revenue target before you gave your job the finger?!

if your using adsense for arbi, don't quit your day job, seriously.

there is a lot you need to learn, other than arbi with adsense. The market can change in 2 seconds. IE: smart priced , banned, etc. And other than ypn, there isn't a powerful alternative ( not that I have found yet) to adsense or ypn for arbi.

So, if you are making big bucks with arbi one day, its not safe to say you will make it in a month from now.

Not saying this to be discouraging, just to help you make the right decision.
if your using adsense for arbi, don't quit your day job, seriously.

there is a lot you need to learn, other than arbi with adsense. The market can change in 2 seconds. IE: smart priced , banned, etc. And other than ypn, there isn't a powerful alternative ( not that I have found yet) to adsense or ypn for arbi.

So, if you are making big bucks with arbi one day, its not safe to say you will make it in a month from now.

Not saying this to be discouraging, just to help you make the right decision.

That is a very good point. You need to be diversified to help smooth out the inevitable bumps in the road.
I like what I do too, but I don't like the hours. 60 hours a week away from my family is stupid. I also want to be able to give my family the things we need and want, which I did not have growing up.
Yeah, that is pretty tough. I haven't had to experience taking care of anyone other than myself yet.
If you are going to do this fulltime:

1. Be diversified and have a few strategies you're working as one can die easily.
2. When you find something that works do it 20 hours a day making as much as you can and SAVE a large % of the money cause there will come a time when you make nothing for a while until you get something else figured out.
3. Constantly be reinventing yourself and looking to do what others aren't. Moving up the food chain. Things like becoming and affiliate advertiser and learn to sell leads offline or approach a local business and partner with them to run a affiliate advertiser campaign for.

I've known a lot of people in this business that have had some success. Hell I know people that were making 2k a day and have had to go back to work 6 months later. Because they didn't save and didn't diversify. They weren't looking for the next big thing while they were in High Cotton.

Just some food for thought. Keep focused and keep building!

I hear what you guys are saying... My plan is to get preety good at arbi and then add CPA marketing to the mix. To be realistic I'm going to give myself at least a year to get my shit together before heading out there fulltime. Thanks for the advice.
I've heard this a couple times and is my plan of attack:

Before quitting, you should have 3-6 months of reserves built up. So, pay off everything you can now.
If you are going to do this fulltime:

1. Be diversified and have a few strategies you're working as one can die easily.
2. When you find something that works do it 20 hours a day making as much as you can and SAVE a large % of the money cause there will come a time when you make nothing for a while until you get something else figured out.
3. Constantly be reinventing yourself and looking to do what others aren't. Moving up the food chain. Things like becoming and affiliate advertiser and learn to sell leads offline or approach a local business and partner with them to run a affiliate advertiser campaign for.

I've known a lot of people in this business that have had some success. Hell I know people that were making 2k a day and have had to go back to work 6 months later. Because they didn't save and didn't diversify. They weren't looking for the next big thing while they were in High Cotton.

Just some food for thought. Keep focused and keep building!


Damn! 2k a day and then back to the daily grind? That must really suck. Hopefully I can learn from their mistake and take it easy when the money starts coming in...

Great advice, thanks Smax
If you get terminated fomr adsense not only do you lose income accumulated for the past 1.5 months but also you cant use it anymore. If you site gets dumped in the SE's you can go form 2000 a day to 20 a day overnight. Many things can go wrong.
One of the benefits of creating a high quality site that people type in "destination site" is you can survive search engine algorythm changes and getting banned from adsense or whatever.
But how many people have those kind of sites? NO adsense or Search engine placement is pretty bad most the time
I would say a year of income saved at the level you are used to, at the very least, is acceptable. I know one things from my trading days - if you need to make money to live, you will not be able to. I have noticed that aff and arb programs are much like trading strategies - if you can't survive your drawdowns you won't last long. If you are hesitant to spend money and pull out at every little dip you won't get far either. Needing the money to get by each month makes you question every little action you take.
I would say a year of income saved at the level you are used to, at the very least, is acceptable. I know one things from my trading days - if you need to make money to live, you will not be able to. I have noticed that aff and arb programs are much like trading strategies - if you can't survive your drawdowns you won't last long. If you are hesitant to spend money and pull out at every little dip you won't get far either. Needing the money to get by each month makes you question every little action you take.

I hear ya... my plan to to live below my means instead of above. This way I'll be able to take the bumps in the road
One of the benefits of creating a high quality site that people type in "destination site" is you can survive search engine algorythm changes and getting banned from adsense or whatever.

I'm thinking it might be a wiser decision to go this route instead of the automation route of scrapping content. It'll take longer to create original content and grow my arbi pages but they'll be legit and last longer.
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