Hate being rich?

1825 Tulane

New member
Jun 29, 2010
Secret Fears of the Super-Rich - Magazine - The Atlantic

Robert A. Kenny, who has trained as a psychologist and is one of the survey’s architects, says that extreme wealth can take away some of the basic joys of living—for instance, that some wealthy people don’t look forward to the holidays, “because they were always expected to give really good presents.” When you’re a millionaire, Kenny says, expensive gifts merely meet expectations. That was a pretty good present, the recipients might respond. But last year, you gave me a car.

Any of you ballerzzz have this problem?

Ha... Every one of those people is a SLAVE to their social connections.

All you need to learn to do is travel a lot and say "Fuck You" to your family & friends... All problems solved.

Heck, real ballers wouldn't know what a holiday was anymore if calendars didn't have them printed on them...
Ha... Every one of those people is a SLAVE to their social connections.

All you need to learn to do is travel a lot and say "Fuck You" to your family... All problems solved.

Say "fuck you" to the family? I'm sorry dude but I beg to differ.
From what I've seen so far, you have to fuck your relatives and convince your parents to not keep bothering about what relatives have to say.
Say "fuck you" to the family? I'm sorry dude but I beg to differ.
From what I've seen so far, you have to fuck your relatives and convince your parents to not keep bothering about what relatives have to say.
You're talking to someone who hasn't spoken with anyone remotely related to himself in over a decade. I wouldn't recognize my 'relatives' if I sold them a rebill in person... ;)
Just got my mom a Macbook Air for her bday, last year I got her a $300 Coach wallet. Not sure if I can or should keep improving the presents over they years or what she would think if I toned it down (that I'm doing worse?). But I don't lose sleep about it, because I don't sleep. I just wait.
Got to agree with LukeP on this one.

Nothing is more detrimental to not only your success, but also your happiness, than un-supporting family and/or friends.

I haven't talked to any of my cousins for years after they started asking for loans, jobs, etc. after barely talking to me growing up or saying I shouldn't focus on certain things.

Growing up the adults didn't get each other anything, they just all got the kids something on holidays. I'm now in that pool so on Christmas/Easter/etc when I'm with the family it's never an awkward money issue and the only people I buy for are grand parents + mom + dad on their birthdays.
I wouldn't even want to buy shit like floating hotel yachts if I could. Money to me is just a tool that buys autonomy and freedom.
This ^^^

I can't believe anyone gets rich without learning how to say No. Sounds like a Henry Rearden issue.

I haven't talked to any of my cousins for years after they started asking for loans, jobs, etc. after barely talking to me growing up or saying I shouldn't focus on certain things.
Post hoc, everyone wants to hang out with a winner.

Growing up the adults didn't get each other anything, they just all got the kids something on holidays. I'm now in that pool so on Christmas/Easter/etc when I'm with the family it's never an awkward money issue and the only people I buy for are grand parents + mom + dad on their birthdays.
I stopped doing Christmas or birthdays over 10 years ago. When I want to gift, I gift. Autonomy for me is life on my schedule, not the herds'.
LOL, if that is all you have to bitch about then you're definitely WINNING. I got 99 problems, but gifts aren't 1.