Has Anyone Here Used WordAi

Spinners are only really useful for using when the costs of getting articles written is greater than the profit generated from the individual site itself.

Unless you're going to get some high end shit like what Associated Press is looking into (which looks to be extremely expensive) then you can't really complain.

WordAi is not meant for people who think $1/day is a lot of money. People use WordAi because it saves them time and they value their time.

If you agree WordAi is the highest quality spinner available and you are still using Rapid Rewriter because it had a one time fee, then you are not our target demographic.
Okay, I'll bite.
WordAi is not meant for people who think $1/day is a lot of money. People use WordAi because it saves them time and they value their time.

You mean $1.67 per day, right? No, that's not a lot of money in the big scheme of things in business, but it is a lot of money to spend without a good reason. And, that price goes much higher when you track your time and find [most ppl] only use a spinner between 1 and 4 days per month, if at all on a regular basis.

If you agree WordAi is the highest quality spinner available and you are still using Rapid Rewriter because it had a one time fee, then you are not our target demographic.

I do in fact agree as stated above that it's [currently] the best spinner available without configuration requirements. It took a long time to build my own thesaurus in RR, but now that I have it, the WAI Turing tool has nothing on it except the higher cost [yeah, not your target].

IMHO, the smarter move is to make the product reachable for those who will pay, then never use it. The biggest guru complaint here is what? LACK OF TAKING ACTION, right?

I believe TBS claims around 78,000 happy subscribers/users. What if you charged $99/year and could swipe over 2/3's or more of their clients? Not enough to cover expenses and still make a handsome profit?
I believe TBS claims around 78,000 happy subscribers/users. What if you charged $99/year and could swipe over 2/3's or more of their clients? Not enough to cover expenses and still make a handsome profit?

Maybe it's because he doesn't want to have to deal with 52,000 peasant scrubs clogging his support lines.

Your question is the equivalent of asking why Mercedes-Benz doesn't make a $9,000 car to swipe 2/3's of Tata Motors' clients.

They could. It's because they don't want them.
While WordAI is a good spinner I do think it's a little over-hyped on WF, which is understandable.
With the type of spinning I do I found that WordAi didn't save me any time at all with manual adjustments, so it's not worth the extra money for my needs. Still, I keep an eye out for news on new developments though.

If you need to make quite complex and genuinely 100% readable articles then there is not an option available that totally bypasses manual spinning, and for that I like the UI in Chimp Rewriter.
Maybe it's because he doesn't want to have to deal with 52,000 peasant scrubs clogging his support lines.

It's probably never good to view paying clients as "peasant scrubs", but I get the point. A few million extra dollars per year would be extremely difficult to deal with. Yeah, I feel bad for suggesting it already ...
It's probably never good to view paying clients as "peasant scrubs", but I get the point. A few million extra dollars per year would be extremely difficult to deal with. Yeah, I feel bad for suggesting it already ...

go back to lurking
You mean $1.67 per day, right?
I actually meant $0.95 per day if we are getting technical.

I do in fact agree as stated above that it's [currently] the best spinner available without configuration requirements. It took a long time to build my own thesaurus in RR, but now that I have it, the WAI Turing tool has nothing on it except the higher cost [yeah, not your target].
The primary selling point of WordAi is not its thesaurus. That is how other spinners work, and that is probably why other spinners are cheaper than WordAi. The English language however, is a little bit more complicated than substituting words with a thesaurus.

But the fact that you would spend countless hours creating your own thesaurus just so you could avoid paying a small recurring fee indicates to me that you do not really value your own time.

IMHO, the smarter move is to make the product reachable for those who will pay, then never use it. The biggest guru complaint here is what? LACK OF TAKING ACTION, right?

I believe TBS claims around 78,000 happy subscribers/users. What if you charged $99/year and could swipe over 2/3's or more of their clients? Not enough to cover expenses and still make a handsome profit?
I don't know how else to put it but you have no clue what you are talking about. You have no clue how many active subscribers TBS has, and you certainly have no clue how many customers WordAi has.

We would not be profitable if we charged $99/year. This might seem amazing to you, but we charge as much as we do because we actually have real expenses (real artificial intelligence is not cheap).

We have a business model that works. We provide the most cutting edge technology and the absolute highest quality results, and we charge more money for it. If you can't justify that cost for whatever reason, then continue using Rapid Rewriter.
I do in fact agree as stated above that it's [currently] the best spinner available without configuration requirements. It took a long time to build my own thesaurus in RR, but now that I have it, the WAI Turing tool has nothing on it except the higher cost [yeah, not your target].

See, this is where your logic fails.

You say it yourself - you spent a LOT of time refining your copy of RR.

Take a look at the advanced customization features at WordAI

Custom synonyms - https://wordai.com/users/account.php#custom

Custom protected words - https://wordai.com/users/account.php#protected

These things are saved in your account, so you can build your own customized database.
Combined with the already great AI spinning, throw in the accessible API and maybe you are already using one of the programs that use WordAI in the background...

  • Chimp Rewriter
  • GSA Ser Ranker
  • Licorne AIO
  • Ubot Studio
  • WP Robot
  • WP RSS Aggregator

.. and you can see why WordAI is "hyped" here. :banana_sml:
