Happy Birthday USA !

And your solution is to live where then if the US sucks so bad?
I live in Canada, though my post wasn't intended to be a direct hate on America. Since every fucking country has it's share of shit. It was a quote from something Doug Stanhope had to say about nationalism.

"How does their suck make my suck not suck?"

I know it's hip and trendy to hate on America on wickedfire but honestly I feel like the luckiest mother fucker to even be born here.

This is immensely retarded to say... America is a joke, all your presidents have been puppets for the last X terms, the majority of your population is zombified morons (yes, this shit doesn't happen in canada), the lower class has been fucked with for your entire life, and your country is one of the most religiously corrupt in the world. It's not close to being anywhere near the best country to conduct business in!

You're only kidding yourselves.
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Congratulations yourself on buying into this Nationalism bullshit.

Amerika The Free!
Who really is the one "buying into" something - the guy who turns on the Olympics every 4 years and shouts "USA USA USA" or the guy who writes caustic things about "Amerika" on the internet?
This is immensely retarded to say... America is a joke, all your presidents have been puppets for the last X terms, the majority of your population is zombified morons (yes, this shit doesn't happen in canada), the lower class has been fucked with for your entire life, and your country is one of the most religiously corrupt in the world. It's not close to being anywhere near the best country to conduct business in!

You're only kidding yourselves.

If America is a joke then the world is a comedy.

And you sirbobsaget.
Sir Thomas got me on a Doug Stanhope kick, love this guy. Just gonna leave this here...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScwvvdV2bEY&feature=related]Liberty (re)Defined by Doug Stanhope + FreeTheAgora - YouTube[/ame]

I start a thread to show my love and respect for my country and others choose to use it to bash my country.

I'm glad the Canadians love their country. I'm glad the Europeans love their countries. But why do some of you pick a joyous American Holiday to bash my country?

I never said that America was better than (insert your country). I was merely voicing my appreciation of the founding of the country that I love.

I see nothing wrong with any man voicing his patriotism for his country. Every country on earth needs citizens like that.
Every country on earth needs citizens like that.
I would agree.

But then again I've never bought a ticket to a Henry Rollins Spoken Word Tour Event, so I might be woefully uninformed to what's really going on.


I start a thread to show my love and respect for my country and others choose to use it to bash my country.

I'm glad the Canadians love their country. I'm glad the Europeans love their countries. But why do some of you pick a joyous American Holiday to bash my country?

I never said that America was better than (insert your country). I was merely voicing my appreciation of the founding of the country that I love.

I see nothing wrong with any man voicing his patriotism for his country. Every country on earth needs citizens like that.

Its a tall puppy syndrome, and also many people here would rather be caught dead than be seen as mainstream.

I start a thread to show my love and respect for my country and others choose to use it to bash my country.
I see quite a lotta us murikans doing it too, tho.

I see nothing wrong with any man voicing his patriotism for his country. Every country on earth needs citizens like that.
Let's examine this part. I find it fascinating.

You say you are voicing your patriotism and you were prompted to do so because it is the 4th of July... Which is celebrated because it is the day a country was founded.

However, hanging out here like you have for so long, you've no doubt heard from countless libertarians and anarchists about how the minarchy that our founding fathers created has been long since gone, bloated and destroyed and in fact all of the freedoms they granted you are no longer there. Ample proof and evidence of this has been given... In fact I think I remember you contributing some to the pool.


Since you know that your country is just a mere shell, in name only, of the America that you have good feelings about, what is it that is making you feel "patriotic" now? Should Italians feel "Patriotic" about the Roman Empire?

Shouldn't July 4th be a national day of morning at the loss of America, and ANGER towards those who destroyed America? :angryfire: