Haha - Obama not banning 'torture' after all

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New member
Sep 20, 2008
I thought 'torture' didn't work? Haha - looks like even Obama isn't ready to commit political suicide.


For Obama, who repeatedly insisted during the 2008 presidential campaign and the transition period that "America doesn't torture," a classified loophole would allow him to follow through on his promise to end harsh interrogations while retaining a full range of presidential options in conducting the war against terrorism.

The proposed loophole, which could come in the form of a classified annex to the manual, is designed to satisfy intelligence experts who fear that an outright ban of so-called enhanced interrogation techniques would limit the government in obtaining threat information that could save American lives. It would also preserve Obama's flexibility to authorize any interrogation tactics he might deem necessary for national security.

ron paul's an idiot. kinda like you. and i can't help it if your boy doesn't back up his words.

your boy won. now you can live with it.


too bad the only honest politician is leaving the white house.. /sarcasm


Well, thanks for agreeing that Obama is a liar and doesn't back up his words. What a shame - I thought he was bringing 'change you could believe in'.
He's been lying it up already. There was a whole hoopla about him disbanding Guantanamo Bay as soon as he gets into office. The like 2 days later they totally backed off it and said it wont happen for at least 100 days after he has been in office - which is just a ploy to make you forget that he ever said it.

Another snake puppet, let me hear your cry Obama Sheep!
Yeah hellblazer, you ain't gunna win any popularity contests talking down the only honest congressman.

The thing is, most people don't even know the whole story about Ron Paul beyond what happened in the campaign. He's an amazing guy if you go back and watch his speeches in the 80s and how he keeps winning his statist, fanatically republican district even when the entire GOP leadership has tried to fuck him over by working with the Dems to unseat him!

What's great about Paul, is that no other politician likes him. What sucks about Obama, is that every politician thinks he's great.
Yeah hellblazer, you ain't gunna win any popularity contests talking down the only honest congressman.

The thing is, most people don't even know the whole story about Ron Paul beyond what happened in the campaign. He's an amazing guy if you go back and watch his speeches in the 80s and how he keeps winning his statist, fanatically republican district even when the entire GOP leadership has tried to fuck him over by working with the Dems to unseat him!

What's great about Paul, is that no other politician likes him. What sucks about Obama, is that every politician thinks he's great.

lets not make this thread about ron paul... lets focus on the issue at hand: hellblazer crying like a little bitch
He's been lying it up already. There was a whole hoopla about him disbanding Guantanamo Bay as soon as he gets into office. The like 2 days later they totally backed off it and said it wont happen for at least 100 days after he has been in office - which is just a ploy to make you forget that he ever said it.

Another snake puppet, let me hear your cry Obama Sheep!
Let's see. Obama said pull out of Iraq. He already back tracked on that.

He said he would vote against telecom immunity for illegal wiretapping. He backtracked on that.

He said he would take public funds, then he backtracked on that.

He said he was against torture, but now he is trying to justify it.

He said he would close Gitmo, and he's already backtracking on that.

He said he supported the peace process with Israel and Palestine, and now he is supporting Israel unequivocally.

Wasn't this the asshat who told everyone the banker bailout was a necessary and good thing? Wasn't this guy who did coke, and then nominated uber drug warrior Biden to VP and will continue to prosecute the drug war?

Anyone look at his "change" cabinet nominations? Clinton? Geithner (now exposed he's a tax cheat), Rahm Emmanuel (implicated in the Illinois Senate seat controversy)... numerous Enron and Fannie Mae/Freedie Mac controllers on his financial panel....

Change. Ha! And still like 3 million fucking retards are going to clamor all over each other to see him inaugurated like he is the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Hellblazer cries because he's a jew/zionist and pissed because neither liberals(in general at least) or libertarians want to send billions to an apartheid regime.
QFT! Obbbbaaaaaamaaaaaa! <---Obama sheep call

Let's see. Obama said pull out of Iraq. He already back tracked on that.

He said he would vote against telecom immunity for illegal wiretapping. He backtracked on that.

He said he would take public funds, then he backtracked on that.

He said he was against torture, but now he is trying to justify it.

He said he would close Gitmo, and he's already backtracking on that.

He said he supported the peace process with Israel and Palestine, and now he is supporting Israel unequivocally.

Wasn't this the asshat who told everyone the banker bailout was a necessary and good thing? Wasn't this guy who did coke, and then nominated uber drug warrior Biden to VP and will continue to prosecute the drug war?

Anyone look at his "change" cabinet nominations? Clinton? Geithner (now exposed he's a tax cheat), Rahm Emmanuel (implicated in the Illinois Senate seat controversy)... numerous Enron and Fannie Mae/Freedie Mac controllers on his financial panel....

Change. Ha! And still like 3 million fucking retards are going to clamor all over each other to see him inaugurated like he is the second coming of Jesus Christ.
blah blah blah stop saying bad things about my obama: hellblazer crying like a little bitch

As much as you keep trying to defend Obama's actions, it's impossible, so you might as well quit. This is coming from HIS PEOPLE; you think he's gonna suddenly change his mind once inaugurated? You'd have to be a fool to think that.

If you were retarded enough to vote for him, I'll do what I'm doing now; laugh as his base takes it up the ass.

I think you actually were dumb enough to vote for him, and that's why you keep trying to change the focus from Obama's backstabbing to little ol' me.

You keep saying "Get over it" and "Quit bitching" - here's a clue, fucktard. I never backed a horse in the race. I thought they were all bad. Yeah, Ron Paul had some good ideas, but he also had some truly insane ones too. I could give a fuck who won. In fact, I knew Obama was gonna win before the election because McCain ran a truly sucky campaign.

So I will continue ruthlessly mocking Obama as he continues to lie his ass off, and suckers like you continue to whine about me bringing attention to it.

Hellblazer cries because he's a jew/zionist and pissed because neither liberals(in general at least) or libertarians want to send billions to an apartheid regime.

Glad to see the asylum gave you some more computer time to rail about the 'Zionists'.
Hellblazer cries because he's a jew/zionist and pissed because neither liberals(in general at least) or libertarians want to send billions to an apartheid regime.
Being a Jew is not a problem. Being a Zionist is a pretty big problem in this world. Many Zionists are Christians or atheists. Real Jews, like many Hasidic Jews condemn what Israel does.

Btw, many minarchist libertarians do support America's foreign policy. And most liberals do as well. Clinton and Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Harry Reid are all totally under the thumb of AIPAC and the lobby.

Liberals used to be for freedom and individuality. Now they are for wars to spread peace (doublethink) and welfare/collectivism.
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