Had Court this morning...

I typically do the "trial by declaration" instead of going to court. Basically, you get a chance to defend yourself via written letter without going to court. Even if you lose through that method, you still get to go to court and the information you wrote for the trial by declaration cannot be used in court. So I see it as an additional chance to have the case dismissed.
I typically do the "trial by declaration" instead of going to court. Basically, you get a chance to defend yourself via written letter without going to court. Even if you lose through that method, you still get to go to court and the information you wrote for the trial by declaration cannot be used in court. So I see it as an additional chance to have the case dismissed.

I typically do the "trial by declaration" instead of going to court. Basically, you get a chance to defend yourself via written letter without going to court. Even if you lose through that method, you still get to go to court and the information you wrote for the trial by declaration cannot be used in court. So I see it as an additional chance to have the case dismissed.

I've beaten 2 traffic tickets with trial by declaration and helped relatives beat about 6 more with it. What I like is that the judge can't intimidate you because it's all done in the mail.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw2Bj51TyLY]Beating Civil Traffic Tickets - Part 1 Standing - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VL2yFMjF4pM"]Beating Civil Traffic Tickets - Part 2 Impeach a Witness - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CBU2pmQ0Mo"]Beating Civil Traffic Tickets Part 3 - Fair Trial Impossible - YouTube[/ame]
Why the fuck you dumbasses keep getting in trouble with the law is beyond me.

Wanna get high, do it at home. Wanna get drunk, see the rules for getting high.

Wanna beat someone up, look in the mirror.

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.
Why the fuck you dumbasses keep getting in trouble with the law is beyond me.

Wanna get high, do it at home. Wanna get drunk, see the rules for getting high.

Wanna beat someone up, look in the mirror.

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.

I was in a hurry and stuck in traffic. The carpool lane was empty, so I used it. That's a stupid law as there is no victim. In another case, I didn't turn right while in a lane designed for turning right. Another idiotic law. No victim, no crime. After listening to Marc Stevens, I'll fight every ticket from parking to speeding.
Why the fuck you dumbasses keep getting in trouble with the law is beyond me.

Wanna get high, do it at home. Wanna get drunk, see the rules for getting high.

Wanna beat someone up, look in the mirror.

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.

Relax, guy. It's traffic court. Shit happens - just that much sweeter when you can walk away from it all.
I was in a hurry and stuck in traffic. The carpool lane was empty, so I used it. That's a stupid law as there is no victim. In another case, I didn't turn right while in a lane designed for turning right. Another idiotic law. No victim, no crime.

Since when is breaking the law not a crime? You may not agree with the law, but interpretation of the law is not something to be decided at your leisure.

If I saw a man beating his wife and I walked up and blew his brains out I would certainly expect to be put in jail. Is this a traffic violation? No, but a broken law is all the same in the court of law. *Also if you went to court and lost over a traffic violation that's your dumb fault, rules are meant to be followed not broken. If they are in place you are already aware of the consequences whether right or wrong in your mind. If they intended the carpool lane to be "just another lane" it would have been marked as such you moron.

I hate a police state as much as the next guy, but if you know you did something wrong/illegal where you live don't come bitching or rejoicing about how "kewl" you are. Be wiser in you actions and more thoughtful in your speech, it will take you far in life.
Since when is breaking the law not a crime? You may not agree with the law, but interpretation of the law is not something to be decided at your leisure.

If I saw a man beating his wife and I walked up and blew his brains out I would certainly expect to be put in jail. Is this a traffic violation? No, but a broken law is all the same in the court of law. *Also if you went to court and lost over a traffic violation that's your dumb fault, rules are meant to be followed not broken. If they are in place you are already aware of the consequences whether right or wrong in your mind. If they intended the carpool lane to be "just another lane" it would have been marked as such you moron.

So we have to obey every law no matter how stupid or evil? There are so many laws in the US that anyone could prosecuted just about every day. Three Felonies a Day book:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Three-Felonies-Day-Target-Innocent/dp/1594035229]Amazon.com: Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (9781594035227): Harvey Silverglate: Books[/ame]

I only obey those laws that are in accord with the non-aggression axiom. I'll jaywalk, speed, or violate any other asinine law as I see fit. If there's no victim, there's no crime.

In some countries, you can be jailed for thought/speech crimes. I'm sure you would think it would be asinine to exercise free speech and thought if it were illegal, amirite?
In order for their to be a crime, there has to be a victim. There is no victim when it comes to traffic violations.

But it can lead to victims. Running a red light and wiping somebody out. Travelling the wrong way and colliding with oncoming traffic. ect, ect. You didn't think that thru did you?
Since when is breaking the law not a crime? You may not agree with the law, but interpretation of the law is not something to be decided at your leisure.

If I saw a man beating his wife and I walked up and blew his brains out I would certainly expect to be put in jail. Is this a traffic violation? No, but a broken law is all the same in the court of law. *Also if you went to court and lost over a traffic violation that's your dumb fault, rules are meant to be followed not broken. If they are in place you are already aware of the consequences whether right or wrong in your mind. If they intended the carpool lane to be "just another lane" it would have been marked as such you moron.

I hate a police state as much as the next guy, but if you know you did something wrong/illegal where you live don't come bitching or rejoicing about how "kewl" you are. Be wiser in you actions and more thoughtful in your speech, it will take you far in life.

Traffic violations aren't technically crimes. They're traffic violations. Also, I don't know if it's as bad in the US, but over here the number of cameras and ridiculous rules and poor signs mean that if you drive for any length of time in London, you'll get tickets even if you were doing your utmost to obey the law.

Some lunatic pulls out in front of you and you have to swerve to avoid them, taking you into a bus lane? Too bad, you get a ticket. The camera only catches the violation, and they don't give a fuck about the circumstance.

I had plenty of respect for traffic laws when they were enforced by cops who could use discretion and tell you how to drive better, but the whole camera thing is total bullshit.
But it can lead to victims. Running a red light and wiping somebody out. Travelling the wrong way and colliding with oncoming traffic. ect, ect. You didn't think that thru did you?

Following rules doesn't make you a safe driver. It's made me more dangerous.

I used to spend a lot of time looking out for pedestrians, other cars etc, and I ended up getting tickets for traffic violations.

Now I spend 50% of my time looking out for cameras. I've had no tickets in 6 years, but I've had LOT more near misses (pedestrians/cyclists/other cars etc), where I have been so busy looking at signs/cameras, I haven't noticed someone.

A town over here (Portishead) totally removed all traffic lights as an experiment. It was so successful they never replaced them. Laws don't equal road safety. Better driving equals road safety.