Hackers Declare War on Scientology

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Saw this on drudge today. I think its great, Scientology is a fucking scam, but I guess if your dumb enough to pay, well then ...

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I only watched the first 10 seconds and I managed to work out Stephen Hawkins is the 'mastermind' behind this. It won't take long for the scientology nuts to work it out either.
I wonder if the 'anonymous hackers' have anything to do with the white powder sent to the church. If so, they certainly aren't fuckin around.
They should focus on other religions than scientology if you want my opinion!:bowdown:

I don't want your fucking opinion. Neither does any religion.

That's why they all need to die.

Anyone who believes something just because other people believe something need to send me checks because I believe they should send me checks.

In other words, every religions is full of fucking shit. Even yours. Christianity = bullshit. Islam = bullshit. Buddhisms = well, its not really a religions, but it is counter to reality so it = bullshit.

In other words:

If you believe it because it came out of a book, it's probably bullshit.


Oh yeah. God made me say this. So you have to believe it. Or you'll burn in hell for eternity.

Here's proof.

The unjust shall be consumed in the ague of souls thus entombed and these then shall cry unto heaven spare me, spare me oh great just and noble gawd.

Believe or burn motherfuckers.

Even jews.

Or Hindus.

Or Zoroastraians.

Or Nazis

Or Pat Robertson

What, you don't believe?

Why not?

Because... um I wrote words? Or they're not in greek/hebrew/aramaic?

I can translate if it makes you feel better you fucking gullible sheep.

Just let me know if you need that.

Of course you'll have to send me $1000 each because Jesus said so.
I thought this was an interesting topic, especially because it provided a clever bootstrapping diversion from the media's incessent blathering on about the primaries... so I did some digging around. Apparently they shut the Scientology website down last month and staged protests outside their churches all around the world today.

Their site: Project Chanology - Insurgency Wiki
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