Hackers Declare War on Scientology

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Marketing Machine
Feb 18, 2007
Miami, FL
Saw this on drudge today. I think its great, Scientology is a fucking scam, but I guess if your dumb enough to pay, well then ...

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It sounds great. But I can see this totally backfiring on free speech for the internet. I can almost guarantee the US government will use this as a lame excuse to fight "terrorism" on the internet. More laws. More restrictions. More control. This probably won't end well.
It sounds great. But I can see this totally backfiring on free speech for the internet. I can almost guarantee the US government will use this as a lame excuse to fight "terrorism" on the internet. More laws. More restrictions. More control. This probably won't end well.

That's a good point.
Damn! These scientologists seem to be retards of highest order.

Scientology's Secret Service - Index
Operation Freakout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fair Game & - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And talking of free speech, DruSam, whatcha say to this --

Another key article on Hubbard's view of criticism was first published in Scientology's Certainty magazine in 1968 (and repeatedly republished thereafter, most recently in vol. 1 issue 2 (Spring 1997) of the Office of Special Affairs' internal newspaper, Winning):
"Now get this as a technical fact, not a hopeful idea. Every time we have investigated the background of a critic of Scientology we have found crimes for which that person or group could be imprisoned under existing law. We do not find critics of Scientology who do not have criminal pasts. Over and over we prove this.

Politician A stands up on his hind legs in a Parliament and brays for a condemnation of Scientology. When we look him over we find crimes - embezzled funds, moral lapses. a thirst for young boys - sordid stuff.
Wife B howls at her husband for attending a Scientology group. We look her up and find she had a baby he didn't know about.
Two things operate here. Criminals hate anything that helps anyone instinctively. And just as instinctively a criminal fights anything that may disclose his past ...

We are slowly and carefully teaching the unholy a lesson. It is as follows: "We are not a law enforcement agency. BUT we will become interested in the crimes of people who seek to stop us. If you oppose Scientology we promptly look and will find and expose your crimes. If you leave us alone we will leave you alone"."
[Hubbard, "Critics of Scientology", 1968]
This underlies the concept of "Dead Agenting"; as a critic of Scientology invariably has a criminal past, all that is needed to discredit (or "Dead Agent") the critic is to expose that past. Or so a Scientologist would claim. It is this belief which lies behind, for instance, Major Target #1 of OSA's "558 Program" in Greece - "Priest Alevizopoulos investigated with his crimes exposed." However, Hubbard seems to have been conscious that publicising past indiscretions does not always work. In 1960, he wrote (emphasis added):
"If attacked on some vulnerable point by anyone or anything or any organization, always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace."

[Hubbard, "Dept of Govt Affairs", HCO Policy Letter of 15 Oct 1960]
hey does anyone know how i can make money on the internet? i don't have any computer skills yet...but i got a lot of heart and a great attitude!
hey does anyone know how i can make money on the internet? i don't have any computer skills yet...but i got a lot of heart and a great attitude!
Yes, masturbate three-times a day to gay-porn and you will be cajillionaire within 2 days! That's the secret to Jon's wealth. :p
i know you're just being funny. if only it was that easy. right fellas?...lol. i wouldn't be able to do that even if it did work. i have no feeling below my waist.
are you kidding like everyone else? i'm just here to make friends and make money. my mom has to work three jobs to support me and i would like to help her out by making some money from her home.
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