Hacker is hitting my financials and blackmailing. What can I do?

File report with RCMP.

Then screenshots of all his threats\admissions + send to all his friends on facebook.
Epic lulz will ensue

Buy hisName.com, rank for it.

Demand $1200.


Was going to suggest the same thing. Gary Thiem his ass. Not sure how much he cares, but build a site with his pics, his address, his parents address, and this story.

Sucks the gary thiem site is down, it looked awesome!

cover your trails
This guy is threatening my livelihood. I need to do something. I have his phone number, his full name, his parents phone numebers, pictures of him, the city he lives in, and an admission of guilt.

... and you are not doing anything about it... Go call his mama!!!
You can file a suit against him in federal court, and many actions can be taken from there. Since he is from Canada, a rather friendly and important neighbor of ours, I would assume that cross-border law enforcement would be much easier than with, say, Iran?

Still, federal court is the place for compelling foreigners I believe. It's been a while since I've been in my procedure classes.
I am calling the police in his town right now. I will let you all know how things go in a bit.
contact your local news, the FBI will care once its on the news that they didnt help you

do this.

I was scammed out of a lot of money 2 years ago and went everywhere.Police, CFTC, SEC, FBI and nobody seems to care. After
I mentioned that I had a TV appearance scheduled on the subject, thats when things starting moving.

A year later the dude is being sued by the Federal Government.
I thing I would kill someone if something like that happened to me...and I don't even make any money yet....I would go pulp fiction on them
I am just looking for any reason to go pulp fiction on someone...;)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPHuE5pDlEs"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
if you hired this guy i'm assuming he does work online. you should consider contacting his local newspaper after filing a police report. maybe they'd want to do a story on it...
I filed a police report with his local police. They said they would call me back, so not sure what will happen with that yet.
I filed a police report with his local police. They said they would call me back, so not sure what will happen with that yet.

"Who wants to handle this case concerning the theft of an internet password to access an email"

"HAHAHA, what are we? the cyber police?"

"Heck, I can barely login to my own email let alone investigate some wire fraud"

"Huh? what are we talking about?"

"Durrrrr, lunch at Tim Hortons"

"oh right. lets go"