Guy Threatens Us & I'm Annoyed At MYSELF


New member
Mar 7, 2008
So last night I'm with a friend and we've just come out of a club. There's some guy/girl jealousy going on and my friend is involved (an ex bf is mad at my friend for hanging out with his ex gf).

Of 3 strange guys, one guy drags away the ex bf involved, on their side. That leaves behind one other chump. This guy then explains he wants to sort stuff out and he's willing to 'knock us both out'. He mentions that twice. Bear in mind my friend can't fight for shit.

So this asshole is quite shorter then me, slightly stocky and I'm willing to bet I'd have given him a good run for his money. I've been in a few fights to know this much.

So, at this point, I either deck him first or start talking. I'm not really involved that much and calm anyways, so I tell him to calm down and after a few more words, he walks off.

But today, I can't stop thinking about him. I'm annoyed. He walks up on US, threatens us, and gets to walk away - and I let him! If I got involved, I'd have destroyed my gear, have facial injuries, blood n shit all over the place and been sporting a shiner for the next week, whilst teaching this asshole a lesson. But I've already been in that situation this year and don't fancy that again.

But then this asshole gets to walk away feeling like he's done the right thing, threatened us and gotten away with it. Meaning he'll continue like this, the next time he's in a similar situation.

How do you solve a situation like this without getting into a physical fight every freaking time? Is violence the only answer!?!

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How do you solve a situation like this without getting into a physical fight every freaking time? Is violence the only answer!?!

How about you laugh him off like you just did?

He threatened you and oh my god you didnt teach him a lesson. What a shitty 80s college movie bully you are.

Must be one of those guys who go to clubs just longing to get into stupid people bitchfights just so you can brag to your inner pussy about it.
To be honest, in this pussy day and age, you'd probably have gotten into more trouble had you hit him, such as being booked with police or him getting his friends to search for you.

Then there is the issue of who has the most to lose. People who often get into fights often have nothing to lose.

But I get what you're saying trust me. I often feel the urge to punch people in the nose when I'm out at night. I don't though, because anything good rarely comes from. You might hurt your hand as well. I once punched someone in the nose and broke my hand between the 3rd and 4th knuckle. Still have problems from that day because I didn't feel like going around with a cast for 1 month.

In summary, let the great unwashed fight and work on making sure they're the ones doing your shitty chores instead. That's more than enough satisfaction.

In the case you're dealing with some uppity kid from a better background (and therefore less threathening), maybe consider giving a hard open hand slap, a sort of bitchslap if you will. I've found this to be quite powerful in a 'put up or shut up' kinda way, when I've seen it dished out. Of course that means being ready to follow up if the perp doesn't stop pestering you (most likely will).

For that reason, learn to fight so you won't have to fight. Imo, forget MMA, but get some basic training in boxing, thai boxing (for the elbows and knees) and some kind of wrestling/judo so you have some kind of takedown attack/defense.

All that being said, I feel bad for the opponent the 3 or so times I've punched someone in the face, even if they had it coming. Still, consequences are all too rare for morons, so I bet they learned a lesson.
All I know is being punched in the face really fucking hurts.
I don't think it hurts at all, though your head can certainly ache the next day, big time.

When I've gotten socked I see a flood of colors like purple, yellow, white - then as my face flushes the next second or two is key - I'm either feeling like I took a huge bong hit (trouble) or I can clap my hands together twice real quick to get my shit together and then say "go time". Can never tell which it will be.

Oh and fellas if you must fight: always throw the first punch. Odds are your man will be garbage for at least 10-20 seconds after he takes the first shot.

But be warned: if he claps his hands twice, smiles, and says "it's go time" - then you just punched me and I'm going to kick your fucking ass.
Oh and fellas if you must fight: always throw the first punch. Odds are your man will be garbage for at least 10-20 seconds after he takes the first shot.

Make it count too. None of that hoodrat swinging your arms about like a retard. Make it a nice clean, hip driven straight aimed at the jaw or nose. Easier to knock people out at the jaw, but a broken nose will hurt like a motherfucker. Even most "tough" guys don't know how to punch.
You sound young and very fucking dumb. You are a faggot bitch. When someone can call you a name and get an emotional or physical response from you then they are in more control of you then you are. Now go fuck off and learn some self discipline. You cannot fight, you have no clue about shit if you think he is short I can beat him up. You should be thankful that you pussied out and didnt get your teeth knocked out, head stomped on the ground or arrested for being completely fucking stupid.
Oh and fellas if you must fight: always throw the first punch. Odds are your man will be garbage for at least 10-20 seconds after he takes the first shot.

True. And good advice if you know there's going to be a fight and you can't get out of it. The problem is, if you throw the first punch without being attacked, you're probably going to be the one who's going to pay in the end from a legal standpoint, not the guy who was just defending himself.

BTW, does anyone know California law? What happens legally to 2 people in a fight?

Do each of them immediately go to jail?
Does the attacker get hit with a felony?
You sound young and very fucking dumb.


Says the guy who can't embed a YT video.

You should be thankful that you pussied out and didnt get your teeth knocked out, head stomped on the ground or arrested for being completely fucking stupid.

I am. And I didn't think cos he was shorter then me I could beat him up. I said I'd give him a run for his money, for other reasons.

But ok, I get the idea fellas. Cheers for that. I just wondered what you made of the situation. As many of you mentioned, at least it was diffused and no major issues came up (thankfully).
OP got pewep'd on. Seriously, next time someone threatens you, you don't give yourself time to think, "Can I take this guy"... You move quick and low, sweep the leg, then pound his fucking face out. Then you and your boys go home, pop some bottles, run train on his Ex GF and send him before/after pics. (Kinda serious)
Says the guy who can't embed a YT video.

I am. And I didn't think cos he was shorter then me I could beat him up. I said I'd give him a run for his money, for other reasons.

But ok, I get the idea fellas. Cheers for that. I just wondered what you made of the situation. As many of you mentioned, at least it was diffused and no major issues came up (thankfully).

I got that you are sensitive and could be made to react to negative comments. You need to learn to let it go, laugh them off or diffuse it. Watch the video, I am here to help :)