Guy Opinion: Grooming Lounge for Men, DC - Good Taste or Gay?

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
...Ok, seeing as though some of you schmucks on here have obviously diverse interests and "good taste' (lol)...I have a question for you guys (and girls too...).

...Need to give a really, really special and lovingly-thought-out gift to a great guy and I want it to be special...he's got diverse tastes, is very financial successful and generous...yada yada. BUT he doesn't NEARLY spend as much time pampering himself as I would like - always other people.

So....I was thinking of treating him to The Grooming Lounge, in DC.

Has anyone been there?

Can you comment?

The only problem is I may have to coax him a bit because his initial response may be "er, that's a little gay", haha! Think rock-climbing, surfing, martial artists investment bank techie....

So what you think -hit or miss??

Here's a description of the place and a link:

Grooming Lounge

1745 L St., NW, Washington, DC. Tel. 202.466.8900
Calling all scruffy, shaggy-haired gentlemen: this spa's for you. The Grooming Lounge is a downtown delight, offering an extensive list of men's only services. Sample the shop's full array of treatment packages — from the Commander in Chief ($100) to the Congressman ($260) to the Supreme Court ($450). Individual services range from haircuts and famous hot lather shaves to specialized hand, foot and skin treatments. Watch some ESPN and have a beer It isn't hard to get hooked on this hotspot for D.C. powerbrokers and the Grooming Lounge's guy-oriented product catalog makes it easy to bring the experience home.

Has anyone's lady hooked them up with one of these "pamper yourself for a day" treats? It is just a woman projecting her/our interests onto a guy or did you actually enjoy it say over a treat to a ball game or whatever....

depends on the dude.. its something i wouldn't do but i also don't like having to talk to people i don't know..
I would love for hubby to at least get a pedicure (not that his feet are that bad but he plays alot of racquetball and it's hard on the feet) but he absolutely refuses (even after I told him the last time I did, I saw two non-gayish guys there one with is wife) He claims its some sort of manly pride thing but I think it's cause he has extremly ticklish feet and howls like a hyinia if someone so much as looks at them.
I also think that's gay and I would never go there because I shave my self with a rock like any other real man but if you persist I would go there just to please you. After that I would probably avoid you for a week to restore my manliness and no way in hell I'd go there again. I would still appreciate it though...
I would love for hubby to at least get a pedicure (not that his feet are that bad but he plays alot of racquetball and it's hard on the feet) but he absolutely refuses (even after I told him the last time I did, I saw two non-gayish guys there one with is wife) He claims its some sort of manly pride thing but I think it's cause he has extremly ticklish feet and howls like a hyinia if someone so much as looks at them.

@T...see, ^^^ is the problem! How to convince them it isn't "gay" and that they'd actually enjoy it if they give it a shot :S...I actually saw some sort of TV special or something on this I am looking for the vid to be more "convincing"....
The problem here is that many men just don't appreciate this kind of gift. I know I don't want to spend hours in a beauty parlour; I'd much rather be down the pub or having a meal somewhere.

It's like if I bought my girlfriend a crate of beer for her birthday: sure she likes beer but I'm certain she would appreciate something else more.
Here's a great gift if he likes wine (and if he's in the financial district I'm guessing he does) - it's actually a good corporate thank you type gift because you can't get it anywhere else. I went to this winery on my honeymoon - it's a small family winery that does not sell in stores:

L. Preston

+rep for that - thanks!

The problem is I am trying to get him more comfortable with indulging the er "gentleman" in him like other men of distinction and enjoy some of his success! He is modest to a fault sometimes.....

Also, the whole idea that pampering himself or paying extra close attention to his appearance is fruity has to be let go......

Well, I don't know if the vids and marketing material help at all (lol) but I mean what's wrong with getting a gift called "The Commander in Chief" package?!

I mean it's not like he'll be sitting around with fashion designers or hair dressers, etc.

Perhaps it means more to me than him but I just want him to "let go" a little.....
Nothing wrong with it. I visit Art Of Shaving in my town, and its great. Now, as for getting a fucking massage from a dude...I would rather jump into a Turkish bath before that happens.
If your bf was more metrosexual I'd recommend you stick with that idea, but since he's clearly not it would just be really uncomfortable for him. There are ways for him to get the spa treatment without going to a spa-spa. You just have to find one with an activity built in. There are lodges and weekend retreat places with natural springs and all that spa stuff but theres kick ass shit to do like hunting, fishing, rock climbing hiking etc. So when he's had his fill doing all the fun outdoorsy stuff during the day theres really nothing for him to do but the couples spa crap afterwards. Which he may or may not enjoy, doesn't matter cus he'll just assume he has to do it because when you're there as a couple its implied that you have to balance the girly stuff you wanna do with the fun stuff he wants to do and all the other guys there are doing it to.
@T...see, ^^^ is the problem! How to convince them it isn't "gay" and that they'd actually enjoy it if they give it a shot :S...I actually saw some sort of TV special or something on this I am looking for the vid to be more "convincing"....

I think you should pass on any gift that needs "convincing" to be appreciated. Even if he's "convinced" he'll still only begrudgingly accept and not tell you how much he despises going. There are some things you simply don't ask a guy to do. "beauty" treatments, manicures, pedicures etc..

Those are all things that after you've done them, you lose the ability to say you never did it(big deal for a man). So your request is probably asking too much of a man who may pride himself on being a man of manly things.

That being said my post wouldn't be very useful without suggestions, there's plenty of things you can get that he would immediately appreciate.

GPS, Binoculars, Telescope, Nice Tent, 2 Way Radio etc.. Anything that's cool and fun for 10 year old boy will be great for an older outdoors type man. should get you started (no, I'm not affiliated but ordered many things when they were formerly owned by S.I.R.)
You may not want to hear it, but if you really want him to get that kind of treatment, a happy ending should definitely be involved. That way, he won't fee so gay about it if some hot asian chick finishes off the pampering properly.

That may sound "unsophisticated" to you but men aren't women, and we generally don't appreciate trying to be turned into one. We're not "less civilized", we're just different.
I use to think it was gay but my wife finally convinced me to go (you are the one with the vagina so you are in control). I loved it. I wouldn't get all my boys up for a guys night out at the spa but I go regularly.

That being said, I don't care what others say or think so if you guy gets hung up on that it could be an issue.

Again, I don't think a rub down from a guy would be comfortable for any guy that isn't gay. So no guy rubs ---dig?
Get him some mcnuggets

[ame=]YouTube - Latreasa Goodman defends 911 call about Mcdonalds McNuggets[/ame]
Try telling him that his favorite male actor/athlete/famous person is the owner, that might ease him into it.
Id go but im secure with my sexuality. Also, I do not care what most people think about me. I like to feel nice and groomed / clean though.
My wife hits the spa pretty regularly.

She'd been trying to get me to go for years, so she went ahead and hooked up a couples spa day for us at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans..

I was very hesitant at first. I'd never done anything like that but she though it would
be really cool so I went.. plus we were going together.

We started out with massages together. Next we had lunch in a gorgeous private room in our spa robes. We then had a couples milk bath.

She got a facial and I got a hot shave. (<== damn, that sounds porno-ish)

Next we moved to the nail salon and got pedicures and manicures. They kept the wine coming and i kept on drinking it. I was shocked to see so many men there with their wives. Half of the New Orleans Hornets team was there.

It was actually a very nice experience and I plan on doing it again with my wife.

Not sure I'd go on my own though...
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