groupon horror story

I suspect the long term value of all these new customers re-ordering at full price will make this worthwhile for her shop.

Exactly! I can't believe no one said that yet. Isn't that the whole point of Groupon? Creating brand awareness and gaining new customers? Fuck, shouldn't she be happy that all the fucking city knows about her shop now?

Now if she makes shitty cupcakes, that's another story.
wtf is it with people paying 40 bucks for 12 cupcakes? They're the easiest thing in the world to make yourself, and they taste MUCH better.

Never understood the whole cupcakes fashion. A friend of mine had them at a wedding... I was distinctly underwhelmed.

Agree with $40 for 12 cupcakes being a bit steep. Disagree about making it yourself. Fuck labor when you can pay someone else to do it. But I don't see the value of cupcakes being beyond $2/unit. Probably that's why she only sells 100 units/month.