GrindLists - Stop Hammering The Same Dirty Fuck Holes. Stop Fucking Babysitting GSA

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Sofa King Re: Tar Dead
May 13, 2008
North Idaho
Rating - 100%
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Dear {fname}

We've all been there. You buy a link list. You download it. You're excited. You start hitting it hard. Things are good. Verified links piling up.

At first anyway...

Then it slows down. Pretty soon crawling. Now you're right clicking view target urls remaining because you think it must have run out of targets...and there's 122k left.

Why? Because these link lists that promise only "50 COPIES TOTAL" are selling your exact list to 49 other people. And you're ALL hammering that same exact list against multiple projects.

Even if that list really had 200k freshly verified link drops (lettuce be cereal, it didn't...when was the last time you got close to the advertised numbers? Yeah, me too...), by the time you and the crew get done pummelling it,
half the sites are down from excessive bandwidth or suffering what is basically a low level DDOS from the hum of a hundred GSA installs plowing into it with 300 threads each.

And then when those webmasters who had the misfortune of ending up on one of those lists get done cleaning up the damage, deleting all your links, well hello negative link velocity. And the corresponding rank drops that go with it.

Don't believe me? Go run a list you bought a month ago. I'll bring the tissues and a cup of warm milk, you're going to need something make you feel better after seeing those numbers.


You don't buy lists. You know better. 50 monkeys fucking the same football. Not going to end well.

Instead, you set up servers. Multiple. You install Hrefer. Scrapebox. GScraper.

You order proxies. Hundreds of them. You optimize your scraping to match threads to proxies, so you don't burn them out and have to get new ones after they're blocked.

Now you have millions of urls.

Time to process them.

Copying. Pasting. Syncing to dropbox.

And then it's the age old question: do I just hammer these lists with GSA trying to post to them, hoping I don't burn down my servers and proxies with spam complaints?

Or do I take the time to pre-process them with GSA? Which

Either way, days are going by while you wrassle data.

Other projects are getting neglected.

Sites are not being built.

PBNs are not being updated.

High quality tier 1 links that actually rank sites post penguin getting created? Ain't nobody got time for that...

Split testing your existing traffic? That's a dream. An activity reserved for someone who actually has time.

All because running automation software like GSA is actually really fucking time consuming.

Until now...

Introducing GrindLists.

GrindLists puts an end to buying lists and getting the same links as everyone else.

GrindLists puts an end to wasted hours spent scraping and filtering your own link lists.

GrindLists puts a big ass pipe out into the internet and diverts a highly filtered and qualified stream of links straight into your GSA installs.

GrindLists automates fresh link discovery and it does it almost entirely hands free. No two feeds are alike. No repetitive hammering on the same link sets as your competition.

And it takes less than two minutes to set it up. A set up you only have to do one time.

Watch the video on the home page again to see me set it up in less than two minutes. Literally.

Nothing to install. No giving up one of your file folders. You do you want with your shit, we just give you an access point to tie into and use how you want.

Ever wonder what SEO would be like if you could have GSA work like it used to work, back in 2012? Back before all the easy to find targets got whored out.

You can find out. You can experience that. You can expierence results like these:

Two and a half days running the verified & identified feeds on one of my user projects testing our public system:


This site has been ranking in this range for months and months, since early summer. Good tier 1 links buffered by tiers of GrindLists.


Need to build good links to your PBN but you don't know how? PR3+ contextual low OBL dripped in over 3 days running only the identified list.


And you can do it all relatively hands off.

Because when you're not babysitting GSA and importing lists all day, you can go out and do all the important shit that you need to do to be a successful SEO in this era.

Build good sites.

Build good pumper nets.

Acquire good tier 1 links.

You should probably optimize your traffic too, little changes go a long way there.

But I digress....back to GrindLists.

If you're playing the automated SEO game, you're probably using GSA Search Engine Ranker.

If you're using GSA and you're not using GrindLists, you're on the bottom looking up.

Because your competition is. I've been using it since summer. Others have had access for a week now.

When we sell out our capacity, we'll be done. There's only X amount of X any system can do.

If you miss out now, you might never get a second a chance.

None of my beta testers are giving up their slots. They're actually begging me to keep it internal.

But I haven't changed the game for awhile. Now is the time.

It's up to you to pick which side you want to be on. I'd suggest the winning team. If you chose wisely, I'll see you on the other side.

- Grind

P.S. Why yes, this was my 5000th post. I was saving it for something epic. GrindLists is fucking epic. Take it for a spin.

I could have fluffed out some 5000 word masterpuff of bullshit business cliches but now you have a real life example. Always Be Closing. If you're not selling in this industry, you're not really marketing. Take inventory of your projects and sites. How many are selling something? Should it be more? Probably. Get to work. But first...

P.P.S. Why you still reading? Go sign up already...

P.P.P.S. Fine. I'll give three 48 hour review copies. To qualify you must 1) set it up and run links within ONE hour. You must post a screenshot of your results (verified/identified only is fine) within 12 hours. And you must
update the screenshot at the end of your 48 hour review. Failure to comply after accepting review copy will lead to Blue Waffle google image results pounding your inbox for the next forever.


How many links do I get?

You get two feeds. One is verified links we've built within the last 24 hours. The other is identified links in the same time frame. Both feeds have a ton of good links.

The small plan has 2000 verified links pumped to your feed daily and 10,000 identified links pumped in every day.

The big plan has 5000 verified links pumped to your feed daily and 50,000 identified links pumped in every day.

You can use one feed. You can use the other feed. You can use both feeds (I do!).

Am I guaranteed 2000 and 5000 verified links every day I run it?

No. Everyones settings/servers/etc are different.

The verified links were built with GSA on big ass servers running captcha breaker only, all platforms.

Your servers/setups are probalby different. You will probably have different results.

We will guarantee this. Your feed will get a minimum of 2000 or 5000 verified links uploaded to it every 24 hours.

They will not be filtered in any way. Filter the pipe to suit your needs after it hits your GSA.

One size fits all because you're doing the final fitting to your specs.

And run the fucking Identified feed, please. It's full of trash but there's so much gold in there.


I meant to only run 1 link per domain on there but I wasn't paying attention. But still...if it was set up right, 78 PR3+ contextual links on unique domains in 2 days? On autopilot? Yes please...

How does your contextual success rate compare with other lists.

Good question. I've had a couple guys reviewing it for me that are frequent buyers of all the list services.

They are blown away. We had more contextuals verified in 36 hours than they got off a popular list. And we fed them ~15k links, while they had to run ~200k on the comparison list.

Then I told them that I'm not running any captcha services and it's all done with Captcha Breaker software. :)

Imagine if you ran the identified list with paid captcha service. ;)

How much does it cost?

$47/month and $97/month, respectively.

How do I set it up? Your video sucked.


How Do I Signup?

GrindLists | GrindLists – The Best GSA SER Lists Available

I've been trying out the GrindList GSA feed for the past week and it is an awesome service, not that you'd expect anything less from it's developers.

I'm not a power GSA user by any stretch of the imagination, but it's perfect all levels of GSA users. If you want to hit your money site with some better quality contextuals as your tier 1 links, you will have new targets at your disposal every day. Or if you need to do larger 2nd tier blasts, it has the links to power those as well.

I generally don't do a lot of list scraping. It just takes too many resources to do it right. So this means I'm buying lists all of the time to keep new link sources running. The GrindList keeps you in fresh links for all of your projects every day. You figure any decent list is going to cost you about $50 a pop, so being able to have this list feed hooked up 24/7 is a huge bargain. Plus it’s really nice to not have to be constantly importing new lists all the time.

Once you set up the new search engine & URL feed, SHAPOW…you’re ready to go in about 30 seconds. Obviously, you can still scrape your own targets and use them in conjunction with the GrindList feed.

I plan on keeping this feed running as long as these guys keep pumping links to it. Nice job gentlemen. A++
Who skips badger ball to launch a service, albeit a very nice service, my point. You're an asshole. I'm going to have to fly to you soon.

Anyways, if you do SEO the way grind and myself do. And you do some affiliate this affiliate that...even work on decent branded sites, heck even local clients. This shit is jimmy busting good.

I remember this time last year, we were getting pummeled with snow and flights were being canceled to ASW. Since I've started using this custom search engine, (which is really fucking genius work). This year, I'm getting pummeled with links, and nice links too.

I'm using these on my tier 1 links and let me tell you it's nice not having to babysit GSA all day long.

As some of you know, I mainly rank parasites and do churn and burn SEO. Since I've started using this custom search engine, I've been able to put more of my efforts on getting content done and setting up new projects myself. It's nice, real nice.

Bottom line, I saw grindstone put this together from ground zero, it's here and launched and I expect that from this day forward he will continue to make it shine even more. As it is right now even, I'm very impressed. Ordered up and keep this shit on here only, k thx bia.
I use to be really good at SEO. That was back in the good old days, you know those "garcinia cambogia" and "green coffee bean extract" days. Oh how I miss them.

What no one ever mentions is grindstone has year after year been silently killing it in the serps. The fact is that he is always ahead of the curve.

He is the guy who I now depend on to help me rank my shit. So now that he launched this and has figured a way to semi automate the most tedious part of SEO I realize how far ahead of the curve he is. Signing up
The success ratio has been close to 100% for all of the tests I've done with Grind's lists. When he says verified, they're verified. Definitely worth the price.
Awesome stuff. Remember at badger ball few years ago somebody said out loud they were rocking out with GSA and you said SHHH don't say that in public...

Good luck will def. be checking out a list.
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Any review copy left? :xmas-smiley-016:

Good job on 1st. Didn't really want review copy, still 3 left for aspiring reviewers.

I've been trying out the GrindList GSA feed for the past week and it is an awesome service, not that you'd expect anything less from it's developers.

I'm not a power GSA user by any stretch of the imagination, but it's perfect all levels of GSA users. If you want to hit your money site with some better quality contextuals as your tier 1 links, you will have new targets at your disposal every day. Or if you need to do larger 2nd tier blasts, it has the links to power those as well.

I generally don't do a lot of list scraping. It just takes too many resources to do it right. So this means I'm buying lists all of the time to keep new link sources running. The GrindList keeps you in fresh links for all of your projects every day. You figure any decent list is going to cost you about $50 a pop, so being able to have this list feed hooked up 24/7 is a huge bargain. Plus it’s really nice to not have to be constantly importing new lists all the time.

Once you set up the new search engine & URL feed, SHAPOW…you’re ready to go in about 30 seconds. Obviously, you can still scrape your own targets and use them in conjunction with the GrindList feed.

I plan on keeping this feed running as long as these guys keep pumping links to it. Nice job gentlemen. A++

Appreciate it. Thanks for signing up, thanks for helping us test it.

Claiming 3rd spot, thanks

Heh. Good chatting with you on skype. Also didn't really want review, 3 left.

Who skips badger ball to launch a service, albeit a very nice service, my point. You're an asshole. I'm going to have to fly to you soon.

Anyways, if you do SEO the way grind and myself do. And you do some affiliate this affiliate that...even work on decent branded sites, heck even local clients. This shit is jimmy busting good.

I remember this time last year, we were getting pummeled with snow and flights were being canceled to ASW. Since I've started using this custom search engine, (which is really fucking genius work). This year, I'm getting pummeled with links, and nice links too.

I'm using these on my tier 1 links and let me tell you it's nice not having to babysit GSA all day long.

As some of you know, I mainly rank parasites and do churn and burn SEO. Since I've started using this custom search engine, I've been able to put more of my efforts on getting content done and setting up new projects myself. It's nice, real nice.

Bottom line, I saw grindstone put this together from ground zero, it's here and launched and I expect that from this day forward he will continue to make it shine even more. As it is right now even, I'm very impressed. Ordered up and keep this shit on here only, k thx bia.

Thanks for signing up, thanks for beta testing with us.

Grindstone = Quality !

Will give it a shot sometimes... !

Cheers. Good chatting on skype, hope that works out for you. Keep me posted. to blow the dust off GSA!

Thanks for signing up. Let me know if you have any questions/issues.

I use to be really good at SEO. That was back in the good old days, you know those "garcinia cambogia" and "green coffee bean extract" days. Oh how I miss them.

What no one ever mentions is grindstone has year after year been silently killing it in the serps. The fact is that he is always ahead of the curve.

He is the guy who I now depend on to help me rank my shit. So now that he launched this and has figured a way to semi automate the most tedious part of SEO I realize how far ahead of the curve he is. Signing up

That and aint' nobody got time for SEO living dat Vietnam lyfe, amarite?

The success ratio has been close to 100% for all of the tests I've done with Grind's lists. When he says verified, they're verified. Definitely worth the price.

Awesome, thanks for reviewing.

Awesome stuff. Remember at badger ball few years ago somebody said out loud they were rocking out with GSA and you said SHHH don't say that in public...

Good luck will def. be checking out a list.

Haha, yeah times change. I had multiple SER licenses for almost 14 months before it first got mentioned on WF. I almost cried that day. Now it's more de rigueur than scrapebox if you want to compete.

Thanks all for the reviews and comments, still accepting 3 new review copies.
Well it's time for me to leave a review

As someone who runs between 500-600 campaigns monthly for clients, affiliates, and BST sales... I FIEND for clean verified links more than most people. I also spend upwards of $600/month to scrape clean links for all of my campaigns, all the while fixing issues weekly...

For those who scrape their own links know - it isn't a walk in the park even when you're really good, it breaks just to break sometimes. Not to mention good targets have been decreasing for the past year.

The Review

Now I ran grinds links on one server and my links on another server... The results were pretty fascinating. I ran 3 campaigns on my server with my lists and one with grinds.

Grinds list averaged 15k verified links/day per campaign.
My List averaged 13k verified links/day per campaign.

This blew me away and thankfully I was grandfathered in to the BIG DOG package that Matt and Grind have provided for the beta testers who need some serious links. The fact that you could be the biggest GSA Noob in the world and have these links for this price is astounding. No more management, no more bull shit... Just good links feeding your projects 24/7

As a business man I realize that this will do the following things for me:

1. SAVE ME TIME fixing the scrapers weekly/upkeep of servers/proxies
2. Provide me and my clients AWESOME link targets
3. LIVE-feed of fresh links 24/7 LOL this is the one that takes the cake
4. Take my money... Save me $500/month on servers/proxies etc for something better than I had

Loganix, My New Service with BlueSteele is now powered by GrindLists :)

Shakeitout/RadiantDarkness Hella Approved

Thanks Grind
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I need to finish putting some final touches on a PBN I'm building for a private client. After that, I'm buying to boost the bottom tier.

Sounds really fucking good man.
Well it's time for me to leave a review

As someone who runs between 500-600 campaigns monthly for clients, affiliates, and BST sales... I FIEND for clean verified links more than most people. I also spend upwards of $600/month to scrape clean links for all of my campaigns, all the while fixing issues weekly...

For those who scrape their own links know - it isn't a walk in the park even when you're really good, it breaks just to break sometimes. Not to mention good targets have been decreasing for the past year.

The Review

Now I ran grinds links on one server and my links on another server... The results were pretty fascinating. I ran 3 campaigns on my server with my lists and one with grinds.

Grinds list averaged 15k verified links/day per campaign.
My List averaged 13k verified links/day per campaign.

This blew me away and thankfully I was grandfathered in to the BIG DOG package that Matt and Grind have provided for the beta testers who need some serious links. The fact that you could be the biggest GSA Noob in the world and have these links for this price is astounding. No more management, no more bull shit... Just good links feeding your projects 24/7

As a business man I realize that this will do the following things for me:

1. SAVE ME TIME fixing the scrapers weekly/upkeep of servers/proxies
2. Provide me and my clients AWESOME link targets
3. LIVE-feed of fresh links 24/7 LOL this is the one that takes the cake
4. Take my money... Save me $500/month on servers/proxies etc for something better than I had

Loganix, My New Service with BlueSteele is now powered by GrindLists :)

Shakeitout/RadiantDarkness Hella Approved

Thanks Grind

Thanks for helping beta test + the review.

May I take a review copy then pretty please

PM me an email address, I'll set you up and send it over.

Ordered. WEEEE

Woot, thanks! Let me know if you need anything/have any issues.

I need to finish putting some final touches on a PBN I'm building for a private client. After that, I'm buying to boost the bottom tier.

Sounds really fucking good man.

I try not to release shite so it is. I keep the shite internal for self hatred and motivational purposes.

I like what I see. Subbed.

EDIT : dem contextuals tho

Thanks for signing up. Dem contextuals indeed.
Wrote this in the Skype chat...

"So insane how nice these lists are.
Seeing GSA verified screen just fly right now."

If you don't have this already you're missing out. I've never had so many verified links popping up.

Get on it before they realize that they can probably charge more for how convenient this shit is.

Thanks guys! Loving it.
Wrote this in the Skype chat...

"So insane how nice these lists are.
Seeing GSA verified screen just fly right now."

If you don't have this already you're missing out. I've never had so many verified links popping up.

That's the goal, glad we're meeting/exceeding it.

Get on it before they realize that they can probably charge more for how convenient this shit is.

This is happening. WF is where I cut my teeth and I owe a huge debt to those who helped me back in the day when SEO was a confusing monster.

Being as this is where I feel my online home is, we launched here at introductory pricing. The response has been almost overwhelming and we've been scaling to meet demand.

The writing is on the wall though, there's no way we can keep the quality high if we expose the masses to this pricing level, so when we launch at more populated climes, the pricing will most likely double on each existing plan.

Current subscribers are grandfathered for life (of subscription, duh) and anybody that signs up before our global launch will get to keep this pricing as well. Could be as soon as the next couple days, absolute end time for this pricing is the expiration of this thread.

Thanks to all the early adapters who gave us a chance, glad to help you kick ass.

Thanks guys! Loving it.

Thanks for subscribing and jumping in the chat, nice to finally put a face to your WF username.
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