Green Lantern - Why??????


Aug 21, 2009
How the fuck do you spend $200+ million on a movie with such a weak and disjunctive story and filled with such corniness.

Hollywood is cranking out some shit lately, why can't they just get some good writers and if they do why do they have to fuck the films up so bad by trying way too hard to make them as cheesy and commercial as possible. You can just see the executives in the background in editing saying "we need to take 5 minutes off the movie, just chop it" and the editor replying "but that part is integral to the plot line and the movie wont make sense without it" and the exec replying "just do it"

Fucking $200 million !!?!??!

And what is with the guy who is made to look identical to Maurice Moss from The IT Crowd?

Don't get me wrong, the film is watchable (just about), but you need to put yourself in the frame of mind of a 10 year old. My problem is $200 million!!!!??!!

You answered your own question. It's a kids movie. You didn't catch the PG-13 rating before buying your ticket?
wondering if they will make the sequel to this one.. it is up on imdb, however considering their loss it might be unlikely

don't get me wrong, would like to have one if it is going to be like
batman begins - > Dark Knight

have you heard of spiderman remake lol?
thats why batman does so well. Its dark and gritty. Not corny and lame like green lantern. I haven't seen it and i knew it was gonna be like this. Thats why i aint gonna see it.
thats why batman does so well. Its dark and gritty. Not corny and lame like green lantern. I haven't seen it and i knew it was gonna be like this. Thats why i aint gonna see it.

In my opinion the fact that it wasn't made to be dark and gritty, but kinda more light and mainstream was not the major problem. The problem was that, even with a massive budget, they didn't even manage to achieve that.

The Spiderman movies were corny and mainstream, but they were infinitely better put together movies than this.
Hollywood lacks imagination. Here's a piece by John Scalzi that demonstrates how things play...

A Bestiary of Sequels, Three-quels, and Beyond - Feature

Superhero films were hot a few years back, but the A-list heroes (X-Men, Spiderman, Batman, etc.) have already gone to screen. So, the studio is picking through the B-list (Thor, Captain America, and Green Lantern), hoping to squeeze out revenue while heroes are hot.

They're not alone. Other studios are doing it, too. That's why the hero space is saturated right now.

Warner has been sucking the Potter teat for years, and needs to find replacements. They were hoping to launch a franchise, seeding it with Campbell, the director who jump-started the Bond franchise. Reynolds also has commercial appeal.*

I think we'll see a Lantern sequel. The film may have gotten stomped in the U.S., but it may have done well overseas. Plus, a lot of cash comes from video, the networks, merchandising, etc. At the end of the day, Warner will almost certainly ride this pig to a nice payoff.

* personal aside: the dude's a huge douche. lol
It ain't easy being cheesy, but can be profitable

Tangled (Cheeeeeesy kids movie)

Budget $260 million
Gross revenue $590,721,936

14th highest-grossing animated feature ever released
It's not that it's just cheesy, it's cheesiness is probably one of its best qualities. It is more that the film was not put together right. The story-line was weak and the film had gaping holes all over the place. It was just a badly put together movie, especially for the price they paid.
It's not that it's just cheesy, it's cheesiness is probably one of its best qualities. It is more that the film was not put together right. The story-line was weak and the film had gaping holes all over the place. It was just a badly put together movie, especially for the price they paid.

Oh c'mon, it could EASILY be grouped with movies like Shawshank Redemption in terms of quality and story line.
In my opinion the fact that it wasn't made to be dark and gritty, but kinda more light and mainstream was not the major problem. The problem was that, even with a massive budget, they didn't even manage to achieve that.

The Spiderman movies were corny and mainstream, but they were infinitely better put together movies than this.

while i try hard to not talk shit on batman *childhood obsession*, the dark knight is pretty fucking cheezy. It's a grown man in a bat suit that talks like he's really gotta take a shit. he steps out of dark corners then dissapears when you turn your back on him. if i saw a dude like this in real life i'd laugh my balls off
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It's a grown man in a bat suit that talks like he's really gotta take a shit. he steps out of dark corners then dissapears when you turn your back on him. if i saw a dude like this in real life i'd laugh my balls off

Lol... I love the movie, but feel the same way. Batman begins is my fave Batman movie.
Lol... I love the movie, but feel the same way. Batman begins is my fave Batman movie.

i'll watch em all just b/c i <3 batman so much... but my all time fav is the original batman from the 80's w/ michael keaton and jack nicholson, i grew up watching that movie