Grand Theft Auto IV owns (here's my mini-review)

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Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
For the gamers here who have been waiting for this game, I just wanna say: the wait was worth it! :rasta:

I sat down with it last night and had a blast. It's like all the previous versions but with graphics and physics engine on steroids. It all looks more impressive than ever, especially the changing day/night cycles. Not to mention the much more realistic ragdoll-physics on people when you mow them down with your vehicle of choice. :D

Last night I stole a convertible muscle car and took off down city streets at full speeds. I switched to the "fly-by" camera and it looked like a scene taken straight out of a Fox channel 'scariest police chases' videos. I engaged slow-motion and could see in glorious detail how cops, pedestrians and trashcans beautifully flew across the hood of my car. I drifted sideways over the crosswalk and my car dented a parked car on the sidewalk - smashing the windows as people started freaking out and running for cover.

Disengaging slow-motion, I proceeded down the street and onto the freeway. Cops were now after me as they seemed to want me for some reason (lol, I dunno why). Now the cool thing is that on my gps radar, I can see the area in which I have a wanted status - AND I can get away from it if I'm able to escape quickly enough. So, drive outside the radius of the wanted area - and cops give up looking for you. Sweet.

Movement in water is also much improved, both when it comes to swimming and driving a boat(!). I learned the hard way though, that you are supposed to stop and pay tolls underneath one of the bridges. If not, you get a cop heli on your ass from above..

Melee attacks are also better than before. The bare-knuckle fist fights from the older versions were kinda dull and random, and a weapon was really required to have some fun. Now you have more control of your non-weapon fights and you can even spot blood spurting from the mouth of your victim as you beat the crap out of them. :)

Violent? Hell yeah - but that's why people want this game in the first place. Serves as a nice stress-reliever at the end of a long day. :D

Did I lol? Uhm...yeah, I lol'ed. :D

I haven't tested the multiplayer yet but from IGN says, it rocks! Here is the score they gave the game:

10 Presentation
The story is Oscar quality. The use of the phone as a gaming portal is genius. There's really nothing more that could be asked for from GTA IV.
10 Graphics
The level of detail is astounding. Liberty City feels alive and lived in. While there are some technical issues, the artistic merits push the score to the max. A true marvel.
10 Sound
The dialogue makes the story. Without the excellent writing and the stellar voice acting, the story would fail. And the soundtrack kills -- more than 200 songs and almost all are great choices.
10 Gameplay
The cover and targeting system work great. Blind firing with an RPG is a thing of beauty. Everything works in harmony and not a single one of the missions is bad. The most fun I've had in years.
10 Lasting Appeal
The story will take anywhere from 25-45 hours to complete, depending on your skill level and attention span. There's plenty more to do once you finish the story, such as excellent multiplayer.
10 Masterful

I can't wait for the game! I'm getting it on the 28th, and have a nice 4 day weekend coming up to drink beers and plat GTA4. It's going to be good fun.

Thank you for the review. I'm now even more excited!
Ahhh the days of having enough free time to play video games, how I envy thee...

Yeah I'm strapped for time myself, but once in a while you need to chill and get away from everything else. I spend all weekdays and evenings working till midnight. Get up at 6:30 every morning to get kids ready for school, do homework with them in the evening, etc. But when friday and saturday night comes - I take the time to relax. It makes me more productive the coming week too. ;)
I loved San Andreas but now all the pedestrians have such realistic faces and are all so unique. I felt bad enough chain sawing grannies that looked like a blocky thing with a dress, how bad am I going to feel playing GTAIV?
Yeah I'm strapped for time myself, but once in a while you need to chill and get away from everything else. I spend all weekdays and evenings working till midnight. Get up at 6:30 every morning to get kids ready for school, do homework with them in the evening, etc. But when Friday and Saturday night comes - I take the time to relax. It makes me more productive the coming week too. ;)

I feel the same way. I always make time to relax and do a little gaming. It's so important to spend some time doing what you want. People can go nutty other wise.

I loved San Andreas but now all the pedestrians have such realistic faces and are all so unique. I felt bad enough chain sawing grannies that looked like a blocky thing with a dress, how bad am I going to feel playing GTAIV?

Yea, I wonder that too. I always stat games like this off trying not to hurt anyone cringing when I hit someone with the car, or saying something like, "Oh, sorry lady!" if I shoot a pedestrian by mistake.

After a day, I barley give a general "Sorry folks!" as I plow through a crowded side walk, trying to get to the end of the mission before the time runs out.

After a week, I'm chasing down those grandmas with the chain saw and trying to kill the swat guys to get their rifle ammo.

I'm telling ya, these games make you psychotic, but in a good way. :2gunsfiring_v1:
Just saw this on twitter, my bad I still don't have a console :(

Nice review.
When you guys get the game, we need to have WF multiplayer tournaments. Cops n' Crooks sounds fun. :D

More on the multiplayer:
There are more than a dozen multiplayer modes if you count team and free-for-all variations. The bread-and-butter of multiplayer is Free Mode. This is a no-rules game that drops you into Liberty City with up to 15 other people to do as you please. You can invent your own custom games, waste time shooting one another or explore the city. As with almost all of the multiplayer modes, there are loads of options for the match. Turn on cops and each player will get their own individual wanted level. Set the time of day, weather, flow of traffic, weapons available -- there's very little you can't customize. Free Mode taps into the very core of GTA gameplay, which is to run around the city causing mayhem. Only now you can do it with 15 other like-minded individuals.

There are a number of other creative multiplayer offerings. The standard Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch can be interesting, since the cover system often slows the game a bit so it isn't as fast-paced as something like Quake. Unless, of course, you choose "all rockets" in which case death will become you many, many times. Mafiya Work has you and your competitors receiving phone errands from a mob boss. First to complete a mission scores some cash. Car Jack City has players vying to steal specially marked cars and return them in as pristine a condition as possible to a drop off point. Turf War is your standard capture-the-point. Or if you like vehicles you can try out GTA Race, which is like any other racing game except you can get out of your vehicle, jack your competitor's car and finish the race in any way you like -- or just blow up other people for the hell of it.

And then there is Cops n' Crooks, the best of the objective-based multiplayer games. This has two teams, one side lawmen, the other hoodlums. The crooks are trying to get to a randomly selected extraction point and the cops are trying to arrest them with bullets. This mode forces teamwork, as both teams must strategize on the fly and rely on one another to assist in navigation. It's a fun, addictive mode that will likely be the most popular of the team offerings.

Should I get a 360 or PS3 for this beast? I take it 360 players and PS3 players can't play online together, correct?
Can't wait for it on PC. I believe I read somewhere that it was due out in August or September. Of course, it may get pushed back. I just can't do FPS-type games on a console, even though I have a 360 (mostly for Rock Band).
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