Graduating in a week and I'm completely lost

If you're socially retarded moving to a city with a high "girl ratio" isn't going to help you much. Especially if you know few people there. Truth of the matter is that most people's social group are based around either school (friends you grew up with) or work, which you'll have neither. Oh well, there's always online dating right? I've seen time and time again people try to integrate to our social group and all have failed miserably except for one dude only because he had fraternity ties and has a relentless/restless personality (so he'd be there for practically every social event anyone ever invited him to). Keep that in mind and I suggest sticking to your friends and a city you know instead of trying to conquer somewhere else.
Pretty much every city where I'd like to live is notorious for being a sausagefest... Denver, Austin, Las Vegas, San Diego, Phoenix, Seattle, etc. Using male/female ratios as a factor in choosing where to live probably isn't the smartest idea, but I've been living in Silicon Valley for the past couple years and I've seen the consequence of having relatively few females. I'm not getting any younger and could use all the help I can get. Anyone live in these areas? Is it really as bad as people make it out to be? Should I give New England a shot?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. :thumbsup:

Wow.... notsureifserious.jpg

You just listed cities that are in the top 35 metro areas of the US! If you can't find a female within those millions of people...forget it!

Not sure where you got your sausagefest data but where I live in the Seattle area it's basically 50/50.
Yeah, you can't make a generalization about whole cities of that size. Depends on where you hang in those cities.
Yesterday when I told someone about my work, he said "you're doing this because you didnt get a job. right?". That was clearly dumb and I was going to end the discussion but he kept talking and said "this way you wont have a friends circle to introduce your girlfriend to".
Today I see this thread and it makes me think "what a waste of time". I'll get back to work now.
Yesterday when I told someone about my work, he said "you're doing this because you didnt get a job. right?". That was clearly dumb and I was going to end the discussion but he kept talking and said "this way you wont have a friends circle to introduce your girlfriend to".
Today I see this thread and it makes me think "what a waste of time". I'll get back to work now.

Which work? 9-5?
Thanks for the replies everybody. I think I'm going to look into the coworking idea. I hope that will be enough to get me on a normal schedule, which is probably has the biggest effect on my sanity.
I've been through a similar conflict, similar timing, etc. I know what you mean about 'wasting' your eduction and letting down your discipline, letting down the people who have inspired you, dealing with incompetence, etc.

I've come to realize that I don't owe anything to my industry or the people who make it up and vice versa. It was my choice to get into it and it's my choice to be out of it for now. If engineering is a real passion and a true vocation, you will return to it or practice it on your own in some way regardless of whether your first experiences with it have made you sour.

You said you worked a couple years, I'm assuming in engineering. If you tried your hand at it and was dissatisfied, why go back to it now, at least in that permutation? Engineering isn't going anywhere and you're still young enough to return to it in five to ten years and make a three decade career out of it.

Maybe by then you'll me more willing to roll with the punches of the profession. Or you'll have started something that allows you to practice your skills in a different way than what you've experienced so far. Or maybe you'll never return to it and you'll just have to think that the time you spent studying and working was a bust after all.

If you end up continuing on with IM then work on self discipline. If this is your biggest professional difficulty on the road to personal success then consider yourself fortunate because it's a personal conflict that you can master. Force yourself into productive schedules. Sign up for synchronized swimming and pilates and basket weaving. Set some fitness goals. Get out of the house and do shit. Meet people. Live a little.

And keep your ear to the floor for a job that sounds good. You're trained and ready for a career any time so build some assets with IM and have fun with life until the right opportunity pops up. If you can live with IM then you can afford to be selective and look for the right opportunity that won't have you disgusted in a few months wishing you'd never got back into the profession you've trained for.

If you're going to come to New England move to Boston. Fun city, lovely ladies.


edit: what lschmidt said
I guess I just tell myself that once I make enough money, I'll start a business related to my degree. However, I can't help but think about all the valuable experience I'll be missing out on by not working in the industry...

I have actually been throwing around the idea of moving to Boston, at least for a few months. I just checked apartment prices and was blown away at how high they are. Is it worth it to pay those prices just to be close to the city?
Man, you need to read that thread about traveling the world while making teh monies. A guy in your position needs to do that instead of looking like a desperate geek trying to meet some hotties at a yoga class.
Yeah, that does sound appealing. I'm not sure I'd be very productive, but it probably would be a lot of fun...
Wow.... notsureifserious.jpg

You just listed cities that are in the top 35 metro areas of the US! If you can't find a female within those millions of people...forget it!

Not sure where you got your sausagefest data but where I live in the Seattle area it's basically 50/50.
Yeah, the ratio only tells part of the story though.

For instance, check out Seattle city, Washington - Marital Status

Although there are more females than males in Seattle, a quick calculation shows that there are 1.16 unmarried males for every unmarried female in Seattle in the 20-34 age range.
Fucking check to see if you still got a set hanging. This indecision is fucking you up.
Any type of college or university is a target rich environment for getting laid.

either go to church and pray for divine guidance
spend some of the cash you say your making and throw a party, get trashed, get laid, even if you got to pay for it, seems like you might have to, wake up and just make a decision.
go somewhere, do something
if you stop sweating the small stuff you'll find life's great -
I have actually been throwing around the idea of moving to Boston, at least for a few months. I just checked apartment prices and was blown away at how high they are. Is it worth it to pay those prices just to be close to the city?

I grew up near Boston.

Boston sucks. Fookin redsox kid! Wicked pissa!

Man up and go abroad.
well you spent so much money to get your masters in engineering, you might want to do something with that like use the knowledge to market something technical. I am sure will have better ideas about that.

if you feeling isolated, then make sure you schedule off time everyday. Go to the gym make some friends, go out drinking etc. If you don't have a gf , find one.

about living, do you like cold , moderate or hot climate? does your biz generate enough cash to live in bigger cities? do you like to live by lake? any fav football/baseball team?
as they say... home is where heart is... hope this helps
Nigga, get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Smack drunk club bitches with your big dick, lift the Earth at the gym like a boss, get drunk and high at the bar, go sky diving, gang banging (the sex kind), and hand gliding. Don't survive - live.

This is best!!
A man doesn't felt sorry for his every spent minutes. Man does walk, man does fall, man does triumph!!
