Government wants to take away your citizenship

I feel like come election time there are always people talking about moving to Canada. Does anyone seriously move to Canada?


Loss of citizenship != Loss of residency.

You can live in a country (and pay taxes) and not be a citizen.

It would take away your right to vote, though (one I am thinking of right now, there are more)

Legal alien, anyone?

You americans have no idea if you think other countries are somehow better.
Is this opposite day or something? Wow... Never heard of anyone accusing all americans of thinking that other countries are better than as us before! ~ 'Murika: Fuck no!' ;)

I'd bet that all of the more traveled american citizens on here know that all countries have their own, unique, individual flaws. Northern Europe is the most civilized, but it has serious Socialism issues. The rest of europe is too broke to consider anyday soon. China may be the #1 economy, but they're still repressed communists. Oz is just a desert with huge spiders that will eat you. Canada is still just an extension of america... Not very different at all except colder & slightly better educated.

I'm in Thailand right now and here they seem to have a strong amount of separation from the USA. In fact about 2 weeks ago the US issued a suspected terrorism warning for american tourists in Thailand, but the Thai police didn't do shit about it until the last minute and they easily swooped in and nabbed the suspect the other day when they felt like it. Clinton was pissed at them for waiting so long. Clearly they aren't America's bitch and that's why people like geomark have immigrated here.

However, it's not perfect, it's too damn hot 24/7/365 and there is a different kind of corruption here, even with Thaksin in exile: corrupt cops expect bribes from everyone. It makes foreigners pissed off to be asked for a bribe but locals see it as just a different type of system... One that lets you go about your business faster and usually paying less than the ticket you would have gotten... In fact once you get used to it you'll find it's superior to the american way. (No court dates, no insurance premium bumps, etc.) The corruption here just lives down at the street level instead of up at the top like we suffer from.

Because of this, I think Thais have it better than Americans overall, and I'll likely move here for good once the SHTF stateside. Probably before. Let's just hope I do so before a draft is implemented for the upcoming war on Iran.
Let's just hope I do so before a draft is implemented for the upcoming war on Iran.

Oh god, I hope it never comes to that. I'm peacin' out if that is even considered. I'm not dying for uncle sam's oil monies.
Is this opposite day or something? Wow... Never heard of anyone accusing all americans of thinking that other countries are better than as us before! ~ 'Murika: Fuck no!' ;)

I'd bet that all of the more traveled american citizens on here know that all countries have their own, unique, individual flaws. Northern Europe is the most civilized, but it has serious Socialism issues. The rest of europe is too broke to consider anyday soon. China may be the #1 economy, but they're still repressed communists. Oz is just a desert with huge spiders that will eat you. Canada is still just an extension of america... Not very different at all except colder & slightly better educated.

I'm in Thailand right now and here they seem to have a strong amount of separation from the USA. In fact about 2 weeks ago the US issued a suspected terrorism warning for american tourists in Thailand, but the Thai police didn't do shit about it until the last minute and they easily swooped in and nabbed the suspect the other day when they felt like it. Clinton was pissed at them for waiting so long. Clearly they aren't America's bitch and that's why people like geomark have immigrated here.

However, it's not perfect, it's too damn hot 24/7/365 and there is a different kind of corruption here, even with Thaksin in exile: corrupt cops expect bribes from everyone. It makes foreigners pissed off to be asked for a bribe but locals see it as just a different type of system... One that lets you go about your business faster and usually paying less than the ticket you would have gotten... In fact once you get used to it you'll find it's superior to the american way. (No court dates, no insurance premium bumps, etc.) The corruption here just lives down at the street level instead of up at the top like we suffer from.

Because of this, I think Thais have it better than Americans overall, and I'll likely move here for good once the SHTF stateside. Probably before. Let's just hope I do so before a draft is implemented for the upcoming war on Iran.

Why are all you guys moving to Thailand? Did you not see Brokedown Palace??
I feel like come election time there are always people talking about moving to Canada. Does anyone seriously move to Canada?

Nope the Baldwins are still here and everyone in WF who said they would move in 2008 are probably still here too.
Why are all you guys moving to Thailand? Did you not see Brokedown Palace??

Don't mess with drugs here. They don't like it and lock you up for it and you won't get a pardon from the King like you would for a lot of other offenses. Thai prisons are hell on earth, about 30% of inmates die from disease while incarcerated, half of the ones that live to be released come out with a disability.

Lukep has a lot of it summed up, although I think Thailand may be more of America's bitch than he said. Thai military is very cozy with U.S. military and spy agencies. You might remember the news that Thailand has secret prisons were some terror suspects were held and tortured. Thailand also agreed to arrest and extradite that Russion so-called arms dealer to the U.S. But there is a bit of a balance because Thailand is also China's bitch. Questons I have include would Thailand extradite an American citizen for copyright violations like New Zealand did with the Megaupload owner, or for tax evasion.