Got a meeting tomorrow with an ad network

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Affiliate Padawan
Jun 24, 2006
They want to discuss potentially adding my site to their network... From what I gather so far that includes exclusive control over my advertising. That means they get the advertisers, manage the ad campaigns, etc.

In return I get a base cpm, they charge a set service fee I guess and then we split the rest of the ad rate. From the initial talks it sounds pretty good as I think overall my cpm can be quite a bit higher.

Any thoughts? Points I need to consider? Questions to ask them? Thanks

Be very cautious about long term contracts. I've seen a few threads about these things before on other forums.
Yeah I believe it's a 1 year contract... will find out more tomorrow I guess. So from the other threads have they generally worked out or turned out to be bad idea?
Never done anything like this... cant give any advice... all I can say is goodluck!
PM me Jon if you really want to know... I don't want to say too much yet since the deal's not done. I'll post more details when I know more and if I can.
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