Got a BIG list that converts?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
If anyone of you have got a BIG list that converts and you accept solo ads, let me know as I'm willing to pay you the average of how much you make per mailing (need some proof though). Looking for people who can send upwards of 5,000 clicks per mailing.

So we give you our niche, and how much we're earning from it, and you give us no more than we're already earning?

Where do I sign up... "/

you're making money?

Last posts I saw you had 200
then 10
then you were making a design company...

hes looking to buy media on a newsletter... he should prob ask this differently in the mailing section... but if hes looking for targeted lists he should expect to pay clicks higher then 1.00 and nobody is going to run for what they are currently making... they'd run your ad for more then they were making
If anyone of you have got a BIG list that converts and you accept solo ads, let me know as I'm willing to pay you the average of how much you make per mailing (need some proof though). Looking for people who can send upwards of 5,000 clicks per mailing.

Just fyi, expect to pay more than what the list owner makes per mailing. If I had the choice to make $x from a mailing, or make the same amount from your ad, I'd stick with mailing myself. Makes sense?

Oh, and I'd make you jump through hoops to check your offer is legit and makes sense for my customers, so my list relation wouldn't suffer.