Google Wave

a bit of facebook, a bit of friendfeed and a bit of twitter = Google Wave (had a look at the screenshots and it looks slick).
I watched this a couple days ago, the day they announced it but the one thing in which I liked the most, well other then EVERYTHING, is the following quote.

Icland is an icland
There fucking spellchecker automatically on the fly changes it to the following.

Iceland is an island
Now that might not seem great to the non-technical programmer but for the rest of us this shit is fucking amazing, they gave a few other examples of where there spell checker no longer rely's on a dictionary lookup.

This fucking thing actually takes CONTEXT into account, basically it can tell the difference between Orange the fruit and Orange the company.

Well I don't know if its that good yet but think of how powerful a program like this could be for us, its a fully functional unique content builder and one that actually output shit that is actually readable by a human.

All I can say is that yeah I'm impressed with the features of Wave.
Now that might not seem great to the non-technical programmer but for the rest of us this shit is fucking amazing, they gave a few other examples of where there spell checker no longer rely's on a dictionary lookup.

This fucking thing actually takes CONTEXT into account, basically it can tell the difference between Orange the fruit and Orange the company.

It was brilliant, as was Lars' Bottie (I think it was what he called it). The plugin that you drop into a "wave" and it translates to and from 40 languages inside the wave on the fly.

Yes, I'm excited as you can tell. There's a good chance that I'll stop doing everything else and just focus on this product ... it's gonna be BIG.