Google v Bing? Can Google be beaten?

Yahoo never had their own search engine. Some people used to think they were the shit back in the day because they could get their angelfire page in yahoo, but they were really just getting indexed in google, and as a result their page showed up in yahoo's google-provided search.

Since you really were the shit if you could get listed in dmoz, people assumed getting in yahoo's directory would be just as remarkable. Then yahoo started charging $199 per listing and killed it off for everything except big brands.

Can't see bing doing it, outside of the US they're just not known. The only Bing we know is Crosby!
Who fucking knows.

In the next 12-24 months - I'm sure Google will still be king.
Come 2022? Who knows - You've only got to look back on how much the world has changed in the past decade to realise how clueless you're about what it will look like in another 10 years. I'm sure search as it exists today won't exist. 10 years ago I was playing snake on a phone that had no internet connectivity, no email, nothing but a fucking polyphonic ringtone and snake.
Yahoo never had their own search engine. Some people used to think they were the shit back in the day because they could get their angelfire page in yahoo, but they were really just getting indexed in google, and as a result their page showed up in yahoo's google-provided search.

Who provided their search results in the 90's when they were really popular? They started using Google in 2000.
Who provided their search results in the 90's when they were really popular? They started using Google in 2000.

I seem to remember lycos or altavista results pushed down to the bottom, but for the main results, was just listings out of their directory.
I think Bing has a better chance than any of the others out there. If Microsoft can become the "default" search on Mobile they can easily pull customers off Google. It's an uphill battle because "google" is basically synonmous with search now. When I look at my Bing traffic I get see search terms like "Google blue widgets."

Microsoft has to break that mentality some how to make any inroads.