Google to pay $500 million fine for rogue pharma ads

That's not even a valid question.

We have quality control that imports have to conform to. Hospitals got economic leverage to demand quality control.

When individuals buy cheap drugs online, how the fuck do they test what they're getting? What kind of leverage does a customer have?

Hospitals have economic leverage to demand quality control but oversea medical vendors don't? Why not?

And you have to be kidding me on our "quality control" of imports. Less than 1% of imports even get looked at, much less scrutinized for quality control. Remember when lead and other dangers materials were found in children products imported from china? Quality control really worked there :rolleyes:

In the end, the consumer is responsible for doing their due diligence on products they purchase. By doing basic research and only purchasing from established and respected brands, most potential problems can be avoided.

Oh, by the way, do you mind linking me to any articles talking about widespead reports of customers receiving "sugar pills" instead of actual medicine from overseas vendors? The key here is widespread, an article about one person receiving this isn't sufficient as I'll just link you to hundreds of articles about "regulated" medicine in the United States that caused hundreds and even thousands of deaths, even with our "quality control".

Hospitals have economic leverage to demand quality control but oversea medical vendors don't? Why not?

And you have to be kidding me on our "quality control" of imports. Less than 1% of imports even get looked at, much less scrutinized for quality control. Remember when lead and other dangers materials were found in children products imported from china? Quality control really worked there :rolleyes:

In the end, the consumer is responsible for doing their due diligence on products they purchase. By doing basic research and only purchasing from established and respected brands, most potential problems can be avoided.

Oh, by the way, do you mind linking me to any articles talking about widespead reports of customers receiving "sugar pills" instead of actual medicine from overseas vendors? The key here is widespread, an article about one person receiving this isn't sufficient as I'll just link you to hundreds of articles about "regulated" medicine in the United States that caused hundreds and even thousands of deaths, even with our "quality control".

It's easy to establish policy like "consumer is responsible" but actually implementing it is a different story. Would you be able to do due diligence on every single product you purchase? Most people can't, and won't accept such an unrealistic burden, particularly when one's failure to do due diligence can result in death or injury.

Reality != Blanket policy

I think the mistake you're making is you're looking for the solution in the wrong place. Instead of trying to legitimize deregulation and increase risks to the consumer, you need to look at why prices within the US are artificially increased compared to overseas.

Thank industry protectionism and big pharma lobbyists for creating a market for importing cheap drugs.

Once we eliminate these factors and allow competition on a level playing field, prices will stabilize, and drugs within the US will be cheaper.
So? Under that logic, you'd be banned from buying designer clothing from spain, on the grounds that it's likely fake.

(not saying all designer clothing in spain is fake, just if you're buying it from there and shipping to the US it probably is, as that's where the most fake clothing probably is in western europe)

Wow, apples and oranges.
No, that's not why. The reason that drugs are more expensive in the US is because the US allows monopolies on drugs by providing patents.

Pricing hasn't much of anything to do with the quality and whether or not the drugs are real or fake.

You, sir, have WAAAAAY too much faith in the FDA.

They are a gang of thugs, out to make a PROFIT, not save lives in any tangible way. There are at least 50 documentaries pointing this out with more evidence than any (non-US) court could attempt to dismiss.

In fact, for the last couple of administrations, the Head of the FDA has constantly been none other than a previous drug companies' lobby. It's sickening.

Exactly. These monopolies are held by the people who run the FDA and lobby your politicians constantly, without rest, to make sure Washington works for them (not Canadians) and AGAINST your safety.

You sound like a jaded Tea Party member, tbh.

Is the FDA perfect? No. Does the FDA sometimes do shit to help corporations? Yes.

Again, apples and oranges comparison.

It's because offshore pharmacies are not held to the same standards as US pharmacies, and many are fake pills. The majority of the time, you're thinking you're buying legit viagra pills but you're buying a damn advil that's been dyed blue.

Overlooking the fact that US pharma companies sell drugs overseas 75% cheaper than here anyway, just because they can get away with it after the US citizens pay for all the research cost within the first year, and just keep charging high prices because they can.
Anyone see the 60 minutes documentary on this exact topic?

This quote sums it up for the most part:
"The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy has created an accreditation process called VIPPS. And if I was ever going to order anything online from an online pharmacy, I would be looking for that VIPPS accreditation from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. You know, they looked at 7,000 Web sites. And determined that only four percent of them were in compliance with laws having to do with pharmaceuticals," Kibble explained.
Overlooking the fact that US pharma companies sell drugs overseas 75% cheaper than here anyway, just because they can get away with it after the US citizens pay for all the research cost within the first year, and just keep charging high prices because they can.

US companies selling drugs overseas has no correlation to overseas "companies" selling drugs on their own pharmacy sites on the internet.
It does when they re-brand and relabel them under different names overseas, and when other companies repackage them to sell overseas at those price points.

No, because the US companies are held to US standards. These overseas companies, that are the reason G is being raped, are makeshift counterfeit operations typically in someone's house. No regulations.

It's because offshore pharmacies are not held to the same standards as US pharmacies, and many are fake pills. The majority of the time, you're thinking you're buying legit viagra pills but you're buying a damn advil that's been dyed blue.

...except the drugs in this case were from Canada and licensed by a reputable agency.
...except the drugs in this case were from Canada and licensed by a reputable agency.

The federal investigation has examined whether Google knowingly accepted ads from online pharmacies, based in Canada and elsewhere, that violated U.S. laws, according to the people familiar with the matter.
No, because the US companies are held to US standards.

AMERICA FUCK YA durr durr dur dur dur durrr

[ame=]YouTube - Clinton Slams Bachmann's SOTU Response[/ame]

one of the many examples of our standards not always being the best:

[ame=]YouTube - The US bomb legacy in Laos[/ame]

It's because offshore pharmacies are not held to the same standards as US pharmacies, and many are fake pills. The majority of the time, you're thinking you're buying legit viagra pills but you're buying a damn advil that's been dyed blue.

Do you work for the FDA or big pharma or something? You sound like a plant.

We're not talking about buying Viagra from India you dumb fuck. Americans are restricted from buying their meds at a big discount from anywhere, like Canada for example. Do you really think the Canadians are selling fake meds?


No, seriously?

Go die in a fire.
It's because offshore pharmacies are not held to the same standards as US pharmacies, and many are fake pills. The majority of the time, you're thinking you're buying legit viagra pills but you're buying a damn advil that's been dyed blue.

This isn't about people buying no-named Viagra. It's about some 65yo guy living in Montana, currently paying $600/month for his heart, blood pressure, and whatever medications. Then via Google ads, he finds his way to a drug company in Canada where he can have the same medication shipped to him for 60% cheaper.

That's currently illegal in the US, which is total bullshit. Canada, UK, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, and so on... have extremely strict controls on drugs as well. To think otherwise is simply delusional. Only main difference being, is the majority of these countries have nationalized health care, so there's strict laws in place ensuring the drug companies don't rape & pillage the general population.

After all, it's the government & taxpayers footing the bill for medication, so the government makes damn sure it's high quality, and as cost efficient as possible. For example, there's strict laws in Canada saying drug companies can recoup money invested for R&D, plus make a tidy profit, but they can't outright rape & pillage people, which is exactly what the US drug companies do.