Google to pay $500 million fine for rogue pharma ads


Jun 26, 2006
Google is reportedly set to hand over half a billion dollars to the feds to settle a criminal investigation into the search giant profiting from rogue pharmacy ads, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Google revealed a hint of the settlement earlier this week in a filing to the SEC that said it was setting aside $500 million for a government settlement, but didn’t specify why.

According to the WSJ’s Thursday report, the FDA and Rhode Island’s attorney general have been looking into whether Google profited illegally from ads placed by non-US pharmacies. Google and other search sites blocked many overseas pharmacy ads in early 2010, because it’s illegal for U.S. citizens to have such drugs imported.

Google did, however, make an exception for Canadian pharmacies—though it limited them to ones approved by a licensing body.

That compromise may not have been enough or soon enough for the authorities, who look set to extract a very large penalty from the search and online ad giant. Importing drugs into the US is not legal, though the feds almost always turn a blind eye to drugs from Canada and don’t prosecute individuals.

Google to pay $500 million fine for rogue pharma ads

There's the US elected representatives, working on behalf of the drug companies. "You can't get drugs from outside of the US, because they're 75% cheaper. You must buy them here!"
Anything that harms Google makes me smile for some reason.

Am I a bad boy momma?
Wait... nobody actually said they are paying $500 million did they? I think that number is just from a filing by Google for money they set aside for this case.
Why is he retarded? He's absolutely right.


It's because offshore pharmacies are not held to the same standards as US pharmacies, and many are fake pills. The majority of the time, you're thinking you're buying legit viagra pills but you're buying a damn advil that's been dyed blue.

It's because offshore pharmacies are not held to the same standards as US pharmacies, and many are fake pills. The majority of the time, you're thinking you're buying legit viagra pills but you're buying a damn advil that's been dyed blue.
So? Under that logic, you'd be banned from buying designer clothing from spain, on the grounds that it's likely fake.

(not saying all designer clothing in spain is fake, just if you're buying it from there and shipping to the US it probably is, as that's where the most fake clothing probably is in western europe)

It's because offshore pharmacies are not held to the same standards as US pharmacies, and many are fake pills. The majority of the time, you're thinking you're buying legit viagra pills but you're buying a damn advil that's been dyed blue.

No, that's not why. The reason that drugs are more expensive in the US is because the US allows monopolies on drugs by providing patents.
There's the US elected representatives, working on behalf of the drug companies. "You can't get drugs from outside of the US, because they're 75% cheaper. You must buy them here!"

No, It's because offshore pharmacies are not held to the same standards as US pharmacies, and many are fake pills. The majority of the time, you're thinking you're buying legit viagra pills but you're buying a damn advil that's been dyed blue.
You, sir, have WAAAAAY too much faith in the FDA.

They are a gang of thugs, out to make a PROFIT, not save lives in any tangible way. There are at least 50 documentaries pointing this out with more evidence than any (non-US) court could attempt to dismiss.

In fact, for the last couple of administrations, the Head of the FDA has constantly been none other than a previous drug companies' lobby. It's sickening.

The reason that drugs are more expensive in the US is because the US allows monopolies on drugs by providing patents.
Exactly. These monopolies are held by the people who run the FDA and lobby your politicians constantly, without rest, to make sure Washington works for them (not Canadians) and AGAINST your safety.
If you're taking medication that your health depends on, and instead you're taking sugar pills, you end up very sick bros.

Or worse- DEAD.
If you're taking medication that your health depends on, and instead you're taking sugar pills, you end up very sick bros.

Or worse- DEAD.

The United States imports billions and billions of dollars in medical equipment, which i'm sure has helped save thousands of lives. Should we stop importing those as well because theres a chance that other countries could sell us malfunctioning equipment?
That's not even a valid question.

We have quality control that imports have to conform to. Hospitals got economic leverage to demand quality control.

When individuals buy cheap drugs online, how the fuck do they test what they're getting? What kind of leverage does a customer have?