Google+ the Widowmaker


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Deerfield Beach, FL
Think of all the so-called failed products that Google gets to revive. Also, all the well-used products that they just integrated with this thing.

Privacy is awesome. Just posted a bunch of nudie pics for all my escort clients to look at.

Google Buzz:
Better security and probably better featured than Twitter. Definitely better than Facebook's wall posting system.

A wonderful, but disused (in the US) photo management system. Way more features than Facebook's photo management system which downsamples all your shit.

Google Video??:
They are using their well-used YouTube player to play videos. But it's not Youtube's player. It's seperate from the site. AWESOME.

WHOA! you can send an email to people from within their profile. Way better than FB's messaging feature.

Google Places/HotPot:
Ok, now I actually have a reason to review places. People can actually make uses of my reviews...

Ok, not used much yet, but that's because no one knows how to use it. Just like everyone uses Likes, I think the +1 will be very simply adopted.

Sorry, Google+ is way to awesome to ignore.

Also, since we only share what we want to share with circles within Google, sounds to me like illegal downloading, uploading etc is now going to be simple. Like I can share my entire mp3 library or all my illegally got videos with whomever I want to. Now the whole world doesn't have to know. Fuck you DMCA

never used facebook and wont use this crap either

real life > internet life

^ lol you own Facebook shares or something? dsiomtw's post must have hit a nerve.

I still use banks, credit cards, get incorporated etc. and I'm sure dsiomtw does too. Not using Facebook =/= tinfoil hat.

There's a difference between being overly paranoid and simply being a little careful with your personal information. You can easily make bank online AND enjoy an exceptional social life without Facebook or any other online social network.
I don't think anyone on their deathbed is ever going to say "I sure wish I had spent more time on facebook" or Google+ or whatever other time wasting productivity sucking impersonal "social" networks become popular.
I don't think anyone on their deathbed is ever going to say "I sure wish I had spent more time on facebook" or Google+ or whatever other time wasting productivity sucking impersonal "social" networks become popular.

You should spend more of your valuable real life time telling people on the Internet how being on the Internet is not as good as real life. Please continue.
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The truly brilliant part that's not getting much notice: some short while ago Google Apps accounts were transitioned to Google's SSO with lots of Apps customers asking "why," but plus is the "why," now some hundreds of thousands of people who use Google's application suite have new tools that allow them to communicate more effectively with other Apps customers. Google's made the real social web for business.
It is some seriously all-powerful, all-invasive shit.

In fact I think that THIS is the reason google's motto is "Don't be evil." -They really, really need us to trust them now that they aren't going to totally assrape us all with this flood of information coming their way.
It is some seriously all-powerful, all-invasive shit.

In fact I think that THIS is the reason google's motto is "Don't be evil." -They really, really need us to trust them now that they aren't going to totally assrape us all with this flood of information coming their way.

As long as they keep internet alive. :) Facebook took a lot from the net and built a path for google, trying to build internet inside itself, I just hope google doesn't go that way, taking over the internet inside its own network... Afterall they are publicly traded and need the growth, proven that they are trying to move into every profitable niche, airlines and tickets in the latest case...