google PPC ban


seems legit
What makes you thinking that people want to have their faces placed right after "I had genital herpes"? Obviously the pics are not real as well as the actors were filmed in vids. But the results and the names are.
I don't mind people telling me how "to do it right", I mind people point the fingers at they have no idea about, labeling it scam or spam.
What makes you thinking that people want to have their faces placed right after "I had genital herpes"? Obviously the pics are not real as well as the actors were filmed in vids. But the results and the names are.
I don't mind people telling me how "to do it right", I mind people point the fingers at they have no idea about, labeling it scam or spam.

[ame=]I'm not calling you a liar... but, it's just that I don't believe you... - YouTube[/ame]​
What makes you thinking that people want to have their faces placed right after "I had genital herpes"? Obviously the pics are not real as well as the actors were filmed in vids. But the results and the names are.
I don't mind people telling me how "to do it right", I mind people point the fingers at they have no idea about, labeling it scam or spam.
when I say spam I mean worthless junk, which your testimonials page is, and, judging by the replies here on the thread, your site is.
I don't mean that spam is necessarily bad tactic, but, as you well pointed out, you planned it this way, but it still looks and feels like spam. Get the picture?
What makes you thinking that people want to have their faces placed right after "I had genital herpes"? Obviously the pics are not real as well as the actors were filmed in vids. But the results and the names are.
I don't mind people telling me how "to do it right", I mind people point the fingers at they have no idea about, labeling it scam or spam.

I think you misunderstood the point of my post,

If i can spend literally 2 seconds looking at your testimonial page and detect that it is 100% fabricated nonsense, you think google wont?

You even use a headline on your sales copy suggesting a cure, then in the small print state that is not a cure.

In short: you're an idiot trying to sell a phoney product to idiots, guess what, google dont want to be a part of it
After I got banned by Adwords 3 times. I went on to BingAds. Not a lot of volume but it'll still bring in sales. BingAds customer service is also a lot better and BingAds gives advertisers way more chances if they break the rules.
if they banned for policy violation , we dont have a chance for atleast apel :(

BuyAndSell Ads is better alternative for Adsense