google PPC ban


New member
Oct 26, 2010
Sup guys,

We've got one of our websites banned by google for breaking their policies by selling the things that do not work based on official theory. They don't want to listen to the proves neither read the certificates and other documents that prove the opposite. Before that PPC ban the website was generating pretty good money. Is there any way around how to make this shit working?

Probably didn't help that mark cuban called your wristbands a scam on national television.
If they banned you because of the nature of your product itself, then no, you won't be able to reverse the ban unless your product changes entirely to something they consider legitimate. You could probably get the account unbanned, but you would be banned again quickly if you go back to selling the same product
Get a new account and put up the site under a new domain. Use a new cc, new address, new phone, clean out your cookies, new ip. Make sure the ip you use to sign up is geographically close to your address. Altering your digital footprint won't hurt.
create new everything, New IP, new hosting, new domain etc. In all honesty you should ask right after you create your account and right before you run any ads if your site is compliant. they seem alot more lenient then they have in the past. Good luck though
The problem is that we cannot change neither content or the product. Keep changing IP and hosting will give couple of weeks till they realize that's the same thing they dealt with.
I was thinking of something like affiliates or forum or banners but not PPC. If anyone have adult dating sites where we can try our banner please message me.
And thank you all for not trolling my post with "die you fucking scammer!" things and such :) I do appreciate your thoughts and I like this community.
Thank you all.
The problem is that we cannot change neither content or the product. Keep changing IP and hosting will give couple of weeks till they realize that's the same thing they dealt with.
I was thinking of something like affiliates or forum or banners but not PPC. If anyone have adult dating sites where we can try our banner please message me.
And thank you all for not trolling my post with "die you fucking scammer!" things and such :) I do appreciate your thoughts and I like this community.
Thank you all.

Sounds like your product is some pills, penis enlargement, or other sexually oriented product. You can't figure out why they banned you? LOL. Is your niche KNOWN to be full of products that don't work? There is most likely a stigma with your product.

Coincidently, I create a thread for getting traffic in difficult niches, where traditional SEO and PPC are simply not the answer. ( I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, and hope you succeed.

Carry on...​
No, we know exactly what the reason is. It is because we were selling the things that cure the diseases that official medicine says are impossible to cure. Like herpes, hepatitis and such. We have many lab results, certs, tests, local testimonials from people who's happy with the results but that all does not matter to google people because of their policies - we cannot sell what is not working officially.
No this is not the pills, it's electromagnetic devices for personal use based on R.Rife technology. Every time I treat one of my friends I tell them that this things are officially banned by google because they cannot be true and millions of people in the Europe that use them is not the case for them. Sad but true.
Anyway... thank you peeps.
Zack, are you familiar with Dr. Rife studies? Resonance effects? When you read about him don't pay attention to the BS that pharma people say about him though. He was one of those scientists who didn't match the pill industry if you know what I'm talking about.
The problem is that we cannot change neither content or the product. Keep changing IP and hosting will give couple of weeks till they realize that's the same thing they dealt with.
I was thinking of something like affiliates or forum or banners but not PPC. If anyone have adult dating sites where we can try our banner please message me.
And thank you all for not trolling my post with "die you fucking scammer!" things and such :) I do appreciate your thoughts and I like this community.
Thank you all.

Learn how to drive traffic without Google. We see these posts all the time.
What is your website?
Many people say Rife is a scam some people say it works.
Im on the fence.
Google though is very strict on these sorts of things as once they start getting alot of complaints they shut you down. Maybe to many people complained about Rife or maybe google are just being overly cautious. Either way maybe try different traffic sources as that might be your only option.
My website is Rife technology cannot be scam as pure physics cannot be. The only thing is how you use the technology. Voll method is based on Rife's results.
We have managed to make the project the way it works. The methods that we applied were tested by medical doctors in post soviet union countries for more than 10 years.
My website is Rife technology cannot be scam as pure physics cannot be. The only thing is how you use the technology. Voll method is based on Rife's results.
We have managed to make the project the way it works. The methods that we applied were tested by medical doctors in post soviet union countries for more than 10 years. . ... . . . LOL yea totally seems legit. Cant understand why they would want to keep banning you bro!

GL maybe try Yandex ppc