Google Pagerank June Update

Almost every money site that we own has undergone a PR update. These were mostly UK hosted websites.

Nothing yet on all the sites hosted in the states.

Higher Update PR 3 > PR5

Lowest Update PR 1 > PR2

I had one we did a ton of SEO stuff on about 2 months ago but haven't touched the last few went from page 3 to page 1 number 1 74k global search term (a hosting term)
Very odd. One of my sites is performing decent, has a few hundred high quality backlinks to its name and still gets after being a year old a 0.
One dropped from 5 > 4 because i didn't renew a PR6 link.

Had about 15 others go from NA to PR1 - 4 though.
Highest 0 -> 3
Had a few sites go from 0 -> 2

All my older sites that were sitting on 0 seemed to get moved up but newer sites didn't have any change.
had some 0's go to 3 and 4's

had a site with 300 words of content and one other page with nothing but 5 pictures go to a pr 2 lol

too bad it has nothing to do with ranks
Had a bunch of domains drop 1pt or so, some went 3>0 , had one go from 4>2 , guess it means I should have been blasting with links instead of just building content :(
Some of my websites went up, some went down and some stayed the same PR.

So I'm not sure if I laugh or if I cry... :321:
Looks like active sites are doing well. My personal blog that's been neglected (like everyone else's) went from 3 to 2.

Everything else is up, but those that I update the most are up the most.

Interesting - my two sites that were in my sandbox case study went from N/A to 4 (Site 2 - the blackhat one!!) and PR2 (Site 1 - The Social/MiniNet/WhiteHat one).

Also - A domain I bought that was PR4, but didn't want to add the old content since I'm re-building / re-branding the site went to PR3. I'm actually quite happy with this since the content was dead for a while and I didn't restore it, only 301'd all the inner URLs.

Looks like I'm gonna have an easier time building out that site and if it works well, it's time to just buy PR domains forever.