Google Pagerank June Update


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Google started to update pagerank.

My websites looking good :338:

Check your pagerank now :drinkup:

Not that I put much wieght in PR but few of the sites that I put up recently have gone from 0 to PR2, a few older ones stayed steady. Reasonably happy with the newer sites going up.

Still...not going to do flick flacks around the room over it. :D
one of my website has gone from 3 to 4, other one from N/A to 2, others up to 1 from N/A.
Most of my newer sites went from n/a to 2 (some stayed n/a) and older sites all moved up 1pr.

Network of expiring domain sites all seem to have survived as only one of them lost pr, went pr4 to pr3. Being new to building my own network I'm happy about that:D.
Did anyone recognize a niche where all pages lost 1 PR?

In my niche all pages lost 1 PR only one out of the top 20 pages kept the same PR.
Just about every site that I've been working on gained PR.

highest => 0 -> 4

lowest => 0 -> 1