Google Now refusing to show landing pages that look "similar"

Thank you google!

I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see the same landing page over and over again, hopefully this will cut down on the amount of time it takes me to steal landing pages. I don't say this often, but props to google for reducing my workload.
Hooray! Fewer of the exact same site.

That said, I can't help but feel this may fuck over a few legitimate businesses like template and script stores.
I've got a few templates I like from Template Monster... and it seems about 50-60 other people have liked them enough to buy them too. Somehow, I don't think Google's bots will consider a different header image and modified CSS enough of a change.
I'm wondering how long it will take MSN and Pulse360 to implement a policy like this (especially for ad text). It hurts advertisers when every ad in the same content block has the SAME ad text, and SAME landing page (though are from separate affiliates) - What's the incentive for a user to buy from one over the other, let alone click on multiple ads that are showing? That just drives up the cost to appear, since CTR will be lower on the additional ads. Oh, and publishers hate that kind of thing and start bitching to the ad networks. I'm a bit too hopeful here, but maybe this will start to restore some creativity to the industry, rather than everyone copying ads and LPs.
They should have done this as well as restricting the same adcopy shown within the same adblock in Adsense. The whole "1 flat stomach rule" content network identical ads within the same adblock is what triggered the whole banning for Google. This is what Adsonar looks like right now, and it's fucking ridiculous and stupid and I'm really surprised they allow it.
This was the part that was most interesting to me:

Your site contains additional products which are not found on your parent company's or other advertisers' sites

Your site serves a different purpose than your parent company's or other affiliates' or resellers' sites

The prices on your site are significantly different than other advertisers' prices
I'm wondering how long it will take MSN and Pulse360 to implement a policy like this (especially for ad text). It hurts advertisers when every ad in the same content block has the SAME ad text, and SAME landing page (though are from separate affiliates) - What's the incentive for a user to buy from one over the other, let alone click on multiple ads that are showing? That just drives up the cost to appear, since CTR will be lower on the additional ads. Oh, and publishers hate that kind of thing and start bitching to the ad networks. I'm a bit too hopeful here, but maybe this will start to restore some creativity to the industry, rather than everyone copying ads and LPs.

I wanted to ask Pulse360 about that because the problem in adcopy is just rediculous. The other idea that I had floating through my head was that maybe it was actually beneficial to all the advertisers on that adblock that the ad copy was the same. I was thinking maybe the repetition increased ctr for the whole ad block so while neither advertiser had an edge over the other, it benefited them all at the same time.

Far fetched i know but eh
Stop whining and go work on more LPs for me to steal.
Whining? I realize it's part of the biz. I don't like it, but I'm not going to sit around and cry about it. Making money is way more important to me.

The ironic thing is I literally just finished one 2 mins ago, that likely you faggots will steal if you see it.
I'm wondering how long it will take MSN and Pulse360 to implement a policy like this (especially for ad text).

Pulse already has policy that prohibits duplicate landing pages. Its up to the aff to have it enforced.

the new Google policy on duplicate lps is fantastic. it's only bad news for the cockroaches that make up 90% of the game (and make 10% of the money).
I only wish I had confidence in Google's ability to tell who had the LP first.

I can't count how many times I've had an LP copied, only to get slapped, and see the competitor able to run for months after. Kinda worries me in a way.
I only wish I had confidence in Google's ability to tell who had the LP first.

I can't count how many times I've had an LP copied, only to get slapped, and see the competitor able to run for months after. Kinda worries me in a way.

I only wish I had confidence in Google's ability to tell who had the LP first.

I can't count how many times I've had an LP copied, only to get slapped, and see the competitor able to run for months after. Kinda worries me in a way.

This is the first thing that came to my mind too. I understand the reasoning for cutting down on straight-out copycats, but how are they actually gonna govern this when it comes down to picking out the winners or losers?
In the case that multiple ads with similar or identical landing pages are eligible to show for a certain search query, AdWords will show the ad with the highest Ad Rank.
In other words bid HIGH and write uber ads.
HTF do they figure out which ad comes up first? i thought those 'Google Adwords Specialist' got too many things to do already??

Or maybe Google just invented a 25 hours clock to overcome the new workload? better check the Google Labs section...