google now deactiving accounts running acai

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New member
May 3, 2008
I saw this off another forum and thought i would share it with you guys here....

Just a head's up...Google deactivated one of my accounts and prior to shutting the whole thing down sent me an email about some of the weight loss acai campaigns I had.

Hello XXXXX,

I understand that you're concerned that your ads are no longer appearing
on the content network. Having reviewed some of your ads and sites, we
have found that they are currently ineligible to run on our content
network. Due to multiple complaints from our users and publishers, we are
disallowing certain categories of ads from syndicating on our networks.
This includes, but is not limited to, certain dieting and weight
loss-related advertisements and landing pages. Google strongly believes in
providing a positive and useful experience for users and advertisers.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. However, as a
business, Google is committed to promoting a positive experience and must
make decisions regarding the advertising and business practices that may
affect this experience.

We've given much consideration to our current restriction of ads on our
content network, as well as its ramifications. We understand that many of
our clients are affected. However, providing our users with the highest
quality ads is integral to the long-term success of our program. In turn,
we believe that preserving trust in the Google brand, and in our ads, is
also beneficial to your success with our program.

While we regret any frustration or disruption this update may cause, we
firmly believe that this change is vital to our users' and publishers'
experience and to the long-term viability of our advertisers. We
appreciate your feedback, and thank you for your understanding.


Grant B
The Google AdWords Team

Note---I had several other long standing campaigns in that account that were very profitable in the health niche but not weight related.

Anyone else have this happen and any ideas on what to do next?

Looks like theyre following facebooks lead.


The whole account?!

Not surprised. Same thing happened to those who promoted psp download and video download stuff years ago. Some folks were permanently banned and can no longer use adwords because of this.
I guess this is what happens enough fatties start complaining.

Maybe affiliate marketers should start being a little nicer when the fatties start shooting emails to them complaining.

I know a few people who would responde to the "What the hell is with the mysterious charges. I thought it was a free trial." complaint with something like "Read the fine print you stupid fat fuck and eat less too while your at it."

Also the "Your whole advertising bullshit and the product is a scam. I demand a refund now or I am filing a complaint with my credit card company/ BBB / bank and going to sue you" complaint got something like "I like to see you try stupid fat ass. I wonder if you are as stupid as you are fat."
That email said nothing about shutting down an account -- it was just an explanation why a content campaign got slapped. Am I missing something?

Was this one of the douchebags tricking google into thinking they are or Or the retard running with Orphra's name in the domain names?
I wouldn't be surprised if they start permabanning because of this. I got banned for creating a music download ad twice. They banned me when I tried to promote ringtones with the same keywords.

Google will ban you for almost anything, but somehow many people are/were doing stupid stuff like buying every ad on a page and using virtual credit cards.

Google is evil.
That email said nothing about shutting down an account -- it was just an explanation why a content campaign got slapped. Am I missing something?
Yes, it was a bit vague. However this message came from one of our publishers via our training forum. He did in fact have his account shutdown which had other campaigns running in it.

Not a campaign slap. Account shutdown.

Dont know the nature of the ads or running or anything like that, we just know that his account was shutdown.
a) If they did indeed disable his complete account, they didn't do it because he ran the acai offer
b) Who the hell is so stupid and contacts Google about slapped campaigns.
c) Anyone that didn't see this coming? This happens if you have a bunch of lazy affiliates just copying ads 1:1. Seriously, next time, think longer than 5 seconds. This is hurting all of us.
a) If they did indeed disable his complete account, they didn't do it because he ran the acai offer
b) Who the hell is so stupid and contacts Google about slapped campaigns.
c) Anyone that didn't see this coming? This happens if you have a bunch of lazy affiliates just copying ads 1:1. Seriously, next time, think longer than 5 seconds. This is hurting all of us.

Needs less "1 Flat Stomach Rule: Obey" titles
maybe he just kept making new acai sites, after he got slapped. I could see them banning for that, just like they do if you keep resubmitting the same ad.

But still, they are so fucking vague in the first place, how are you supposed to know exactly what part of what you are doing is wrong?
is it the niche, the blog, the ads, or google's new brand of tampon making them not feel so fresh?
i hate those canned shitty answers
hey all,

i'm the pub in question who got the acct shut down. let me see if i can fill in the blanks for some folks. I posted that email above about a campaign slap to demonstrate the vagueness of their communication and also the focus on the diet/weight loss arena. i've been promoting acai via several networks for a few months now. but here's the real issue. i have maybe 20 other campaigns running on that acct that were not weight-related and they slapped them even before they got slapped the acai one. bottom line is they nixed all campaigns and when i tried to recreate them they shut down the acct. the shame of it is that they arent' telling me specifically why they did so and i've spent a boatload with them this year. been advertising with them for 5 yrs now and never a problem.

i'm over it. one day they wont have the monopoly.
I saw this coming for a while. There are way too many people complaining about Acai Berry all over the place and I bet there are stupid ones who are contacting google about it too.
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