Google Glasses

Saw this, at first thought it was really awesome, after that started thinking of all the ways Google and others will use it to control our lives as the little peasants we are, and got depressed.
>take a picture
>share it to my circles

Saw this, at first thought it was really awesome, after that started thinking of all the ways Google and others will use it to control our lives as the little peasants we are, and got depressed.
You're already a controlled peasant, might as well have cool stuff at the same time.
I wonder how driving with those things are. Texting is already like a DUI is Washington. But I think this would be worse. Seems like you would be focusing what's right in front of you and not the road.
Fuck Google and their Orwellian glasses.

Don't worry about google knowing the exact coordinates of where you had your last beer, worry about where all that info goes to. Remember that a couple years ago someone made a boo boo and word got out that the CIA owns a bitch who owns a bitch who owns a chunk of FB's ass.
LOL! At everyone worried Google knows where they are. 99% of you already PAY Google or Apple to know where you are every second.

And if you're still one of the chumps left without a smart phone then the dipshit you're hanging out with is tweeting, facebooking, foursquaring, whateverthefucking about hanging out with you anyway as if that's something to brag about.

"Dude, who are you texting?"

"I'm checking in and tagging you."

"WTF?!? Why? We're just sitting here having a beer!"

I hate that shit.

/pointless rambling rant
This is awesome but fucked at the same time.

I would imagine that the video feed is going to be recorded all the time. Do you really want google to see everything you do?
I would imagine that the video feed is going to be recorded all the time.
Ah, so let's do the math here, genius:

200,000,000 users (1 half of the USA when these come out)
~5 Terrabytes of video & audio recorded daily...

10 Exobytes of data EVERY DAY just for storing that boring shit.

Their algorhtyms for saving just what is important and throwing the rest away would have to be god-like in sophistication to make this attempt less than laughable.

Frankly you ppl should just accept it. Augmented reality WILL happen; it's the natural evolution of the monitor.
Ah, so let's do the math here, genius:

200,000,000 users (1 half of the USA when these come out)
~5 Terrabytes of video & audio recorded daily...

10 Exobytes of data EVERY DAY just for storing that boring shit.

Their algorhtyms for saving just what is important and throwing the rest away would have to be god-like in sophistication to make this attempt less than laughable.

Frankly you ppl should just accept it. Augmented reality WILL happen; it's the natural evolution of the monitor.

inb4 we have chips inside of us and have close to no choice of putting them into our kids. "Do you want your child to have rights, be safe, and be able to attend school? Then sign these 200 pages and we'll add this chip that will make him smarter and safer."