Google content network

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Think about it- content network is just googles media buy model...go buy the media ads yourself elsewhere.. quantcast et al will give you plenty of ideas..

They have MORE advertisers than they NEED. Even in this economy. Google just had earnings report about a week ago and BEAT estimates...Who else did that in 2009???
A.M. is booming..and G is raping because of it..

Like people said, start to look outside Google. It definitely takes some getting used to, but once you get going it's a nice change to see how consistent things are, no slaps, no crappy support, people actually appreciate your business. In our case we shifted about $5-6M yearly spend away from Google so far, and I'm seriously thinking of not even running Adwords campaigns for our own, legit campaigns on there. Just not worth the hassle :)

I created advertising accounts with msn/yahoo/google and particuly like msn on how easy it's been to setup and get approved/views. I'm just wondering if there's any other networks you would reccommend I check out? Your time is greatly appreciated, thank you!
If you are looking for PPC traffic sources: Pulse360, Myspace, Facebook, Quigo. We've been focusing on display ads though.
Same problems here... Went from spending hundreds of thousands of dollars with Google to $0. So if they don't want my business, fuck em.

I'll give my money to other companies that actually want to work with me and that value my business. Sure, Google has everyone beat when it comes to volume, but this doesn't necessarily mean you can't make MILLIONS each year without them.
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