Google content network

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New member
Sep 8, 2007
Are there anyone also having massive problems in the content network? I neither get any new impressions on new domains nor on old campaigns...

Your account might be undergoing a review... that's the only thing that I can think of.
I would like to know also. From 5 million impressions to zero. I got some traffic back but now my content CPC is 5 times more than the search. How is this possible.
Same here, got slapped last week and now I'm having issues recovering it. I setup a new domain & new account yesterday, turned it on a had 70+ million impressions with a decent CTR and conversion rate. I thought the campaign was back online. Today I wake up and it's at ZERO impressions... fucking Google.

I waste more time fucking around with the Google QS then anything else. I guess Google doesn't like my money...
I created a new account on December 24th and haven't been able to get a single impression on the content network. I emailed them and get their typical automated response.
I can't even get impressions for stupid cliche valentines day banners (buy chocolate/flowers type) going to known sites that are 100% clean (no download/free trial/blah blah).

Zero- like it sits in review and just sits.

Funny enough I never ran continuity stuff on content- always had it turned off. So I'm wondering what's going on there too- doubt it's my abuse of the content network in the past since I've never really ran on there.
Content network is been funny. I got traffic boost to a an old campaign a month after running it at almost 0 impressions a day. After few few days of setting it up (early December last year) I just left it alone even thou I was getting no traffic. Starting January this year i start to get 100+ clicks a day out of nowhere. It's been k since then.

I set up a another campaign. Its been 2 weeks. So far few 100 impressions a day. I'm assuming it's going to pick traffic like my old campaign. Will wait a see.
One of my campaigns that should easily be banned is on a wonky repeat cycle of getting 500k impressions one day, then 0 the next.
Same here today. About 1 milly per day and now zero. I've had it happen before, usually comes back in 24 hours. For an even double whammy, I've had my LP of my slapped campaign ripped for the 3rd time this week, and those guys' campaigns are running just fine. And no, its not diet related at all. The guys who ripped me didn't pull all refs to my page.
I got this response from my google rep a week or so ago;

Hello xxxxx,
Thank you for your patience with regard to this matter and apologies for
the delay.
I have heard back from our specialists this morning. They informed me,
that due to multiple complaints from our users and publishers, we've
limited the appearance of certain categories of ads on our content
network, which may have affected your number of impressions. The
categories include, but are not limited to, certain IQ tests, dieting and
weight loss-related advertisements.
I understand that you're concerned about the drop in impressions on the
content network and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused
you. However, Google strongly believes in providing a positive and useful
experience for both users and advertisers. As a business, we must make
decisions regarding the advertising and business practices that may affect
this experience.
Our specialists have given much consideration to our current restriction
of ads on our content network, as well as its ramifications. They
understand that many of our clients are affected. However, providing our
users with the highest quality ads is integral to the long-term success of
our program.
I will let you know, should I hear back from our specialists with further
details. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have
any further questions.

The Google Australia & NZ AdWords Team

In other words you can fuck off. We are google and we don't fucking care but your content network campaigns are now totally fucked. On the bright side, all the impressions you were getting are now going to some other lucky bastard so you can wave at him on the highway when he passes you in his new Porsche.

The only solution to this problem is to open new accounts.
This should just serve as a reminder to not base your entire business model on big G. They can fuck you overnight on anything.
so Mobile and Diet offers are profitable in NZ and AU? Ya not the best Idea to put your eggs all in one basket diversify traffic you the my get all crushed by GOD aka Google
Like people said, start to look outside Google. It definitely takes some getting used to, but once you get going it's a nice change to see how consistent things are, no slaps, no crappy support, people actually appreciate your business. In our case we shifted about $5-6M yearly spend away from Google so far, and I'm seriously thinking of not even running Adwords campaigns for our own, legit campaigns on there. Just not worth the hassle :)
On the bright side, all the impressions you were getting are now going to some other lucky bastard so you can wave at him on the highway when he passes you in his new Porsche.

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