Google completes new web indexing system called Caffeine.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Google completes new web indexing system called Caffeine.

Our new search index: Caffeine
6/08/2010 05:00:00 PM
(Cross-posted on the Webmaster Central Blog)

Today, we're announcing the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it's the largest collection of web content we've offered. Whether it's a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.

Time to brush up on your SE2.

The hell? This image doesn't make sense...


Kinda like

The hell? This image doesn't make sense...


Kinda like


What it means is instead of (in the past) being able to write one blog post for one term, you now need to write a new blog post every single day for that same term because your shit will drop in the serps as soon as it's no longer considered "news".
i see social media employees becoming a career path for the next 2-3 years -_- god, where is everything heading?
What it means is instead of (in the past) being able to write one blog post for one term, you now need to write a new blog post every single day for that same term because your shit will drop in the serps as soon as it's no longer considered "news".

I don't see this happening in established niches. I do however see new sites with a new article entering for a short time if they are heavily optimized, then quickly falling away and only leaving those well-established sites in top rankings once the article has aged unless it is well-backlinked.
I can see how this would affect certain niches a lot more than others. I guess we'll just have to see how it actually works before we pass judgement.
god, where is everything heading?

I'm not completely sure my child. My guess would be in confusing directions that only make sense to sycophantic egotists in boardrooms whose foresight has dwindled to irreparable levels. Hence Google getting more complex, Yawho? getting more stupid, Microsoft coming out of the closet and Facebook deciding to give up booze to concentrate on the smack habit it shares with Twatter.
One of my autoblog sites got completely deindexed and hasn't come back for about a week now. Thinking that it's time to lose it..
I don't see this happening in established niches. I do however see new sites with a new article entering for a short time if they are heavily optimized, then quickly falling away and only leaving those well-established sites in top rankings once the article has aged unless it is well-backlinked.

If true - and that's how I read it too - then those well established sites may indeed hold firm in the mid and bottom pack, but the constant influx of new articles will likely be at the top - due to their perceived 'freshness' - and therefore grab most of the clicks (as links at the top of the SEP pages are wont to do).

It's quite apparent to me now that the sky is falling.
^^^^ lol, sorry bud, most of my black hat sites doubled in indexing yesterday.

prolly coincidence..