Google buying Twitter?

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i cannot think of any solid business model in twitter..
Charge an annual fee for a yearly premium account that allow you more than 140 characters, and some other happy horse shit.

People are so amazed with the pathetic nature of Twitters offering at the moment (which REALLY is no different from facebook status, or a hundred other things) that they'll be blown away by anything "better", and more than likely, you'll see 10% of their not inconsiderable user base shell out for it... Particularly the marketers, celebrities, and hikikomori.

[ame=""]YouTube - Twouble with Twitters[/ame]


Ahh! SEE! Wickedfire had this all figured out a month ago.

At 31:00 Eric was asked about Twitter.

He "blew them off" saying: "I view all of these as poor man's email systems. In other words, they have aspects of an email system, but they don't have a full offering..." and so on.

He never answered the question, really, and we Wickedfire folks found that suspicious. And, we were right. Google wants to buy Twitter.

His statements on Twitter are flat out idiotic. Or he is intentionally trying to down play them.
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