Google buying Twitter?

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Meh, Techcrunch starts a "Google buying" rumor for every hot Web 2.0 startup. Just recently, Google was allegedly on the verge of buying Digg.

I don't see Google making a $XXX million acquisition with no monetization prospect anytime soon.
My personal opinion is that many companies go into decline once they enter shopping mode because they're reliant on paying for innovation instead of creating some. Many of the biggest names jumped the shark when they started doing this.
My personal opinion is that many companies go into decline once they enter shopping mode because they're reliant on paying for innovation instead of creating some. Many of the biggest names jumped the shark when they started doing this.
Exactly. Case in point, Yahoo and
facebook tried to get em didnt they? And twitter said 'go fuck yourself, spotty teens'
What would Google do with Twitter? Rub their asses with it?!!!

Imagine one in 100 tweets being a google text ad for starters, google could probably come up with some good ways to monetize twitter if they picked them up. Twitter is a GREAT way to get some quick traffic, can only imagine how much it could generate if you actually controlled it.

Someone recently tried to tell me that spot is where Twitter was going to put an ad to monetize their website. I almost laughed in their face. If putting Google Adsense in that one little spot is their grand monetization plan, then goodbye Twitter. Because most of their user base doesn't even visit the site to use the service. And fuck if they're going to click a god damned ad when they do.

Someone recently tried to tell me that spot is where Twitter was going to put an ad to monetize their website. I almost laughed in their face. If putting Google Adsense in that one little spot is their grand monetization plan, then goodbye Twitter. Because most of their user base doesn't even visit the site to use the service. And fuck if they're going to click a god damned ad when they do.

More folks use the site than you think - and they are pretty click happy - just have SERIOUS ADD\ADHD issues.
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