Google and CPA Marketing!

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On Page#1 Bitches!
Jun 23, 2006
The Google AdSense team would like to invite you to test a feature that provides you with a new way to earn revenue from your website by hosting ads that are compensated based on a Cost-Per-Action [CPA] basis. These ads are very different in that you will be able to choose amongst a selection and you will also have more flexibility in promoting them…


I'll definitely be giving this a try. I wonder how the payouts will compare to already entrenched but smaller cpa networks like Azoogle...
Damnit, will google ever stop. It's like they come out with some incredible free service every other day.
Was only a matter of time for google to get into this, but definately looking forward to it.
WallaceCleaver said:
I wonder how long it will be before they go mainstream with it and let everyone try it out.

Its google, so about a year and a half of beta invite only mode :p
a.titus1 said:
Its google, so about a year and a half of beta invite only mode :p
Boy, look at you! Mr. Optimistic!

I'm guessing more like 3 centuries, just like everything else they make.
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