Google +1 Service - Reviews Available

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New member
Jan 16, 2009
Rating - 100%
16   0   0
We will +1 your site for 5 keywords off of three different Google accounts for a total of 3 +1's per keyword
15 keywords +1ed with only one like per keyword, 5 +1 per Google Account

Cost: $5.00
Turn Around Time:
Fast: 24 hours for an at once hit
Dripped: 24 hours per Google User Account- with a total turn around time of 72 hours
PM for payment details
once paid please send:
Larger packages will be offered next week:

+1 from 5 user accounts
+1 from 10 user accounts
number of keywords +1ed

Specifics coming next week on larger these packages and prices...

3 Free Review copies available of the Fast hit to senior members only

if i have 4 urls and 4 keywords can I pay $4 and get 12 +1s. Also if I purchase this now will I still be able to purchase your new packages next week? as i would like to get as many +1s as I can
lol, do you know how +1 even works ??

If you are ranked for KW "Dolls" and you +1 your website, and then goto "Baby Dolls" and see the same URL, it will already be +1'd

So what exactly are you offering here besides bullshit ?

You can only +1 a URL once per Google account.
for example:

Money site shows up for keyword 1 = +1
Squidoo site shows up for keyword = +1
Article site = +1

You tell us what links you want +1

and then we will +1 them from three different user accounts on Google... We have been doing this during the beta testing of +1 - we will also +1 from sites that have the +1 installed on them

(if you need directions on how to install +1 on your wordpress site, shoot me a pm and I will send you the directions)
for example:

Money site shows up for keyword 1 = +1
Squidoo site shows up for keyword = +1
Article site = +1

You tell us what links you want +1

and then we will +1 them from three different user accounts on Google... We have been doing this during the beta testing of +1 - we will also +1 from sites that have the +1 installed on them

(if you need directions on how to install +1 on your wordpress site, shoot me a pm and I will send you the directions)

pm directions and payment details. also is what he said true? because my alternate keyword for each of the 2 URLs is a variation of the 1st keyword for each
PMing directions now -

as long as the URL's different....

Keyword one: Blue widgets ---> URL: www.
Keyword two: Large blue Widgets ---> URL: www. / large-widgets

As long as the URL's are different then they can be +1 from the same user account

If you want multiple +1's for the same URL then those need to be from different user accounts, thus why we are offering this service from multiple accounts, and offering larger packages next week
possibly interested in trying out w/ one site, then have a bunch of others. PM me more info, like an example of where you did it so I can check it out. reading your description & checked out google's page. still a bit fuzzy.
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