Google’s New Self-Driving Car Unvieled - Ditches the Steering Wheel


New member
Jun 24, 2006
Google Introduces New Self Driving Car at the Code Conference | Re/code


I don't know about anybody else, but even with self driving cars, I plan on driving my own car until the day I die...
I like this one especially

And here it is in action

[ame=]A First Drive - YouTube[/ame]
Is there much demand for this? If I'm in a car, why wouldn't I want to drive it? Perhaps to read a book or do work I guess but my hunch is my eyes would be on the road because I don't trust that thing.
You were right!

How long do you think it will be before they come up with one that doesn't look it moonlights as a tampon-dispenser?

the self driving equipment can technically be installed on any car, so you could have whatever car you wanted + get it to drive itself.... prolly would cost somewhere upwards of 50 grand for the equipment but I know my WF bros are rollin in it
Me and my buddy were talking about self driving cars and I imagined them being less faggoty. Regardless, I'd still like one once they go faster and look better/have more room. It would be fun to have an electric one with a Tesla motor, just travel the country free of charge, being able to look out the windows and really pay attention to the scenery, but this car seriously looks way too flamboyantly gay to seriously consider purchasing. What I had in mind was a self-driving RV with a lot of space to sleep in and cook in etc, not something minimalistic like this concept.
Probably be 6-7+ years before there are decent options. These will probably end up as campus shuttles for big organizations before being adopted by regular people.

Also could replace or be incorporated into car2go and similar pay-per-minute programs.
The best application of this self driving tech that I could see is, help when driving long boring distances on highways. Everybody gets bored driving long distances, no matter how hyped with driving you are.

That would be awesome. Turn on the "highway cruise control" and sit back and watch a movie, do work or whatever.
Hackers are going to have a field day exploiting these. The repercussions won't be a simple dump of credit card data, it will be someones life.
So annoying, literally waiting for some cash to come in to invest in GOOG and the day it arrives they announce this. Stock goes up before I buy.