Goodbye Cash4Gold

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ist brüno
Jan 2, 2009
Your Mom's House
For those of you who don't watch Nightline, Cash4Gold was kind of raped on national television. It'll be interesting to see what happens to those campaigns, luckily I'm not running any C4G offers. They just aired it, so it wont be on the website right away, but i recommend you watch it.

ABC News: Nightline

Bad publicity is still publicity. The company seems to be open and honest about their practices. This will probably result in more transactions for them.

I bet thieves love the convenience and anonymity of cash4gold and will continue to collect their checks for 20 to 80% value.
I didn't see it, but I can't see how bad it can be.

When I get an email from Smaxor, I'll take notice. ;)

Hi <fname>,

It has come to our attention that people are using fake blog testimonials
for landing pages in the Cash4Gold vertical. Any affiliates using these blog landing pages for Cash4gold, please remove them immediately.

No matter how the exposure is perceived at the end the day they are getting some publicity. The main thing of it is it's national attention.
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