Good places to live as an internet marketer?


New member
Feb 23, 2011
I make my living from the internet which means I can move anywhere I want. I'm thinking of moving abroad for a couple of years to avoid UK tax in order to save a deposit for a house when I come back.

(That's to say, I will pay my dues for the education etc this country has gave me... Just not yet!)

Has anyone here done similar? Emigrated?

I understand by setting up a company in Hong Kong I can pay 0% corp tax and no income tax on foreign earnings.

Thailand is popular with net marketers I believe...

Singapore is always popular and business-friendly.

Here in the US, Texas seems to be the hot area. I am moving to Austin later this year (an Internet marketing haven.) Of course there is still Federal tax here, but TX has no income tax on either corporations or personal income. (They do have a sales tax, and property tax if you buy a house, but houses are still cheap there...$200K for a 2000sq.ft. house about 15 minutes from downtown, and you are looking at $2-3K/year property tax on that...not bad.)
If you don't mind slumming it for a bit go to Bulgaria. 10% corporation tax, 10% income tax and hot women
5 months, 29 days in Vancouver.
1 month in a resort town in Mexico.
5 months, 1 day in Southern Europe near the sea. I hear Slovakia/Macedonia is nice near the coastline, as the super-rich need a place to park their yachts (as opposed to the super-mega rich who can park their yachts in southern France/Italy)

Edit: And of course you don't stay in any one country for more than 6 months.

A lot of pro athletes (specifically golfers) live in Florida because there's no state income tax. Also helps that it's warm all year round.

I'm moving to Denver pretty soon because I love to ski and 300 days of sunshine isn't too bad either. Plus they have awesome parks/trails, and the lowest obesity rates in the country (no fat chicks).

I guess it just depends what you like to do.
Live out of hotel rooms.... I almost put down on a hotel for like 3 mo stay when my lease came up (a nice multi room one not a dump hole with just a bed and a bathroom ugh) and figured it would be nice to get the place cleaned up all the time, live upstairs from a bar, have valet parking, room service, pool etc... but ehhh, if I had more money and steadier income.
I've been living in the Dominican Republic for about 18 months now. I freakin love it! Great weather, beautiful women and friendlier than friendly locals...
^that's pretty baller. I went there on vacation a couple of years ago to one of those all-inclusives and I'm definitely planning on going back soon. Was probably one of the best vacations I've ever had.
I've been living in the Dominican Republic for about 18 months now. I freakin love it! Great weather, beautiful women and friendlier than friendly locals...
Where are you in relation to Punta Cana? Really want to get there.

At some point in the next year I'll be moving to Rincon, in Western Puerto Rico, for good. I'll be there for the whole month of November and looking to set up from there.

A lot of pro athletes (specifically golfers) live in Florida because there's no state income tax. Also helps that it's warm all year round.

I'm moving to Denver pretty soon because I love to ski and 300 days of sunshine isn't too bad either. Plus they have awesome parks/trails, and the lowest obesity rates in the country (no fat chicks).

I guess it just depends what you like to do.

Dude, having the lowest obesity rates in the country doesn't mean much when the whole damn country is obese. I spent a lot of time there - lots of fat chicks.
Where are you in relation to Punta Cana? Really want to get there.

At some point in the next year I'll be moving to Rincon, in Western Puerto Rico, for good. I'll be there for the whole month of November and looking to set up from there.
I´m in Jarabacoa. About 7 hours away atleast. Plan on visiting Punta Cana when I get a chance. Heard the beaches are AMAZING there!

PR was where I originally planned on moving, I still may. I like to move around.