good cigarettes affiliate program for EU?

Oh hai, im gay and i'll tell every one an fairly unknown niche. kthxbai

I love this shit. "Unknown niche".... HA! How funny the meaning of the word "niche" has shifted being used by people....

Just look the fuck around you, on the streets, use some common sense. Cigarettes are not an unknown niche. Infact a very known niche. A niche which is fucking huge.

Its like "hey does anyone know a coke program"

and then you say "oh its a n unknown niche. ShhhhhHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

In fact the cigarrette niche is so not-unknown it was around even before capitalism was invented. :p!
Cigarettes in EU are expensive but I'm not sure on the legality of buying from overseas. The reason there so expensive is because the government tax the shit out of them. I know recently in Ireland there have been some high profile cigarette smuggling cases. Here in Ireland a 20 box is €8.50 roughly $12
Umm hello people, tobacco programs are actually doing well. Especially since cigarette in most major US cities are now banned from drug stores and becoming more and more expensive to buy, people are turning to buy their tobacco products online.

Anyways, I work with a tobacco program currently and so far my conversions have been pretty decent. I make 20% commissions and they offer a wide list of brand name products and accept all popular payment methods.

If anyone is interested, you can check out my sig.

NOTE: The do only ship to the US!!!!!!!
I just paid 6$ for a pack of marlboros... and they had the 1$ off coupon on them.