Good business story

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New member
Jun 24, 2006

This guy is local to me, and I've been watching his company grow since it started. He basically took off in the past two years, and he's pretty successful now. It was pretty interesting to read about the stuff he did to get to where he is. Meh, you guys might enjoy it.

That is pretty sweet how he has gotten so big from a shitty little nickname :p

Lucky he wasn't called Johnny Dick
That was actually quitea cool story. Shows if you put the time and effort into your biz you can make big things happen. More importantly, he didn't copy others, he did his own thing in a familiar and every day industry and took off.

Be Unique!
Good story. T-shirts never seem to die. Someone always comes along and slaps some new name on a shirt, and with some good marketing, makes a shitload off it.
Actually this story reminded me of a T-shirt line idea I had, and I just registered the domain name that I had found like 4 months ago and forgot to reserve!

Should be something that appeals to all forum owners more so than average internet users...
Definitely a neat read. Goes to show how someone can take something from nothing, and expand on it and make it huge.
It really does show that you can sell anything with the right marketing and a few good gimmicks.
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