Global Warming - Let's do this, fuckers


Throbbing Member
Nov 15, 2011
Indiana, US
I hadn't ever really researched global warming previously, but to me it seemed like something that obviously exists. Temperature is rising (although slowly), ice is melting... whether or not the warming is man made, it seems to exist, so denying it seems foolish.

Then it occured to me that perhaps it's just a cycle - we've had ice ages, after all, so surely it can go the other way. I started doing a bit of research and I found this:


Aha! So there are indeed warm cycles and from the looks of this thing we're at "the warm end" of one. So that's it, it's just a cycle, no big deal...

Wait a minute:

Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth's atmosphere has reached 395 ppm (parts per million) by volume as of June 2012

I look at the graph... the highest it's ever been in 400,000 years is ~300 ppm. INTERESTING...


I tried to find out just how much CO2 we're emitting compared to other sources (the ocean, plants, other animals, etc) and finally managed to figure out that the amount we emit per year is in fact, quite small in comparison to say, the ocean. These are approximate figures but humans emit approximately 25 gigatons of CO2 per year, while the ocean emits around 440 gigatons.

So no big deal right? Our emissions are like a drop in the bucket!

But wait, did I mention the ocean also absorbs 440-450 gigatons of CO2 as well? It seems global warming deniers like to leave this part out when they try to use the "drop in the bucket" argument.

If history is any indicator (it is) then our planet was more or less in homeostasis when it comes to its carbon cycles


Goes up... goes down... goes up... and down again.

Then here we come, the humans. We create some super awesome shit that spews a meager 25 gigatons of CO2 into the air every year.

25 gigatons that was never there before.

It wasn't there.

Now it is.

You add in a new factor, you ruin the homeostasis, and some shit is going to happen. The earth can't somehow compensate for the additional 25 gigatons. It's not sprouting more trees (it's actually losing them since we just love cutting them down). Atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing, and CO2 levels are correlated with increased temperatures (as seen above). They're increasing and they're not going to go down.

So what's my conclusion?

Global warming is real, and we're causing it.

Come at me bros.
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Obviously I agree with most of this post. It's not exactly intellectually taxing to realize that our planet's homeostatic equilibrium can be easily derailed by the slightest fluctuations in C02 and other elements. Humans are doing much more than just a "miniscule" disturbance. It's like the butterfly effect, if I can use such a poor allegory to illustrate a point.
the surface of mars is heating up at the same time

Man, it's stupid shit like this that really turns me away from conservatives. Wow, mars is heating up (proof required), and earth is too, therefore they must be caused by the same thing.

You have no evidence that in any way suggests the two are related.
Create a better world at our financial expense?? No fucking way buddy, this is WiickedFire.

Who should pay for it you dumbfuck? Oh that's right, you're a liberal so you never think about that. You gonna get China on board with your hippie shit? Russia? Good luck with that. Meanwhile the US is going to cripple itself to save a fucking spotted duck owl while we continue to get owned by countries that don't give a fuck about your global warming initiatives.
Who should pay for it you dumbfuck? Oh that's right, you're a liberal so you never think about that. You gonna get China on board with your hippie shit? Russia? Good luck with that. Meanwhile the US is going to cripple itself to save a fucking spotted duck owl while we continue to get owned by countries that don't give a fuck about your global warming initiatives.

What a quaint little argument spouted from the lips of a half wit 'Roony Paul' advocate.

Hey asshole, what's the US's number one export? CO2 and dangerous chemical byproducts. That's right, it's the rest of the world telling us to chill the fuck down and cut the crap but apparently we need to defend "muuurikkka" from terrrists and red chinamen therefore it's time to ramp up the coal production.

What a quaint little argument spouted from the lips of a half wit 'Roony Paul' advocate.

Hey asshole, what's the US's number one export? CO2 and dangerous chemical byproducts. That's right, it's the rest of the world telling us to chill the fuck down and cut the crap but apparently we need to defend "muuurikkka" from terrrists and red chinamen therefore it's time to ramp up the coal production.


What the fuck is a Pewep though, seriously?
Unarmed Gunman, who the fuck are you talking to? Yourself?

Oh wait, Pewep is on my ignore list. This thread makes sense now.

BTW, cardon dioxide emissions from the US are at a twenty-year low:

A 20-Year Low in U.S. Carbon Emissions -

Mostly because as quickly as US power producers can manage, they are shutting down coal plants in favour of natural gas powerplants.

Meanwhile in Europe, home of the countries that ratified Kyoto...

Go ahead, ask me about CO2 emissions from Europe, I fucking dare you...
[ame=](1992) - George Carlin - Save the planet Viet sub - YouTube[/ame]
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