Girlfriends are WTF

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New member
Jun 12, 2007
Ok im sittin here listen to metallica on volume 10 and checking my earnings for the day and I'm all pumped and what not. Then my GF comes along and checks out what I'm doing and says "damn honey..good day..give me some money im goin shopping". I say no all this cash is going back in my business and she gets pissy....WTF!!

thats women. they always get pissy. stand your ground and she wont do that shit again.
I don't understand women who asks for money. Get your own fucking money. Unless if it's a hot chick you got only because you promised to take care of her, then it's your fault. Next time she asks for money, redirect her to open jobs website...
My wife has no idea how much I make in AM. Hell, all she says is "is it ok to go buy groceries?", or what ever it is. If she knew the amount, it could get ugly. She would start expecting me to spend all that shit on her. Instead, just put it back in the business and make more.
sounds like a superficial short sighted bitch to me. sorry to dis your g/f but mine has never done that. you need someone more mature
My current girlfriend is the exact opposite- she hates it when I pay for her. I've gotten to the point where she lets me pay for dinner though haha
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